Thursday, December 26, 2013

More Santa Letter Collection

Notice this was to "Judy and Ann and Stephen" yet Dwight is mentioned.  Believers vs. non-believers? 
I have loved these letters.  We carried on the tradition with our kids, and now they are doing the same with theirs.  May there always be a letter from Santa.

Monday, December 23, 2013

More Letters From Santa

 This is the last of the Christmas letters I have - I think!

There is no year on this letter, however I suppose we could have the brown paper sack carbon dated.
The creases are permanently embedded, so just in case you can't read the letter, this is what is says: 
Dere Childrun,
It isnt that there aint no Santy Claus, Its just that some times people think there aint - maybe becoz of what seems to be afare reason - I thot thats what u thot.  Then you hang up your stockings.!  That restores my faith in people but leaves me slightly unprepared this year.  Pleze try again next year.  But if that long legged grasshopper thinks I goofed last year, what has he to sa for himself!
Lots of love to everybody.  Be good for another year one day at a time -
Santy Claus

Another letter - again no date.  This one is written on a wide brown paper sack and so it doesn't fit on my scanner.
"Help!  Help!  I'm snowed under - all this mail!  I'll just have to write one the bunch of you.  Dang it, when you wrote me as you did I just had to kick thru with a little - nothing you want, of course, but a token.  Liz, I hear you had your chance.  That relieves me.  I'd like to add some more p.s.'s but I gotta go.  And when yu gotta -
Santy Claus

This must have been a year for personal replies to our letters.  The responsibility of who wrote to whom must have been shared this year. 

Among Mother's treasures I found the letter below tucked away in her handkerchief box when it came my way.  Amazing how Santa shared our letters.  Where was our "right to privacy"?    I have no idea how old I was - again no date.

The following letter was written when it was just Judy, Steve and me at home.

And the following letter was written probably my last year at home before I graduated from high school. That was the year Dad and Mother gave me my jewelry box.  Steve and I decided to forgo the annual Christmas stocking routine and were gently chastised for our decision.
Fun memories from a long ago time.  Can you smell the peanut brittle?  Or the carrot pudding?  Or remember how it always seemed so magical to go on the last outdoor trek before climbing into bed?  Remember how the clear late night sky would be full of twinkling stars and how we would try to guess which one was the brightest.  And then, in the house there was the newly decorated Christmas tree with twinkling lights and several homemade ornaments, along with the tinsel that had been rescued from the year before - and that felt a little like magic, all by itself.  However, none of this would have meant anything without the little white house that was full of love and family. Christmas memories are a great source of warmth, even on very cold and snowy days.  I love you all.  Merry Christmas!

Christmas 1955

Elizabeth captured this story-telling  picture of Mother on a cold Christmas Morning in 1955.  Details reveal that she had on her milking jeans so barn chores had been part of her day.  However, she put on one of her dressiest shirts in honor of the day.

Mother had babied a geranium through the fall and into the cold of December.  It sat proudly on the desk with light from that east window to keep it green.  I was careless and knocked it off the desk, breaking the pot and smashing the plant/ She didn't get mad at me, but I could tell it was a big loss to her. 

I was determined to find a way to replace it and eventually found this one at McGlathery's Florist in Powell.  It was one of the most expensive gifts I ever bought. I got it home somehow and hid it in the bottom of our tiny closet till Christmas morning.  The recorded smile was worth every effort and it is one of the most remembered gifts that I gave.

Monday, December 16, 2013

University of Wyoming 1926

Since winter weather in Laramie has been so cold this season, it is a good time to look back to "other winters" and the university campus.  When Mother was there in 1926, winter attire did not include pants for women.  Brrrr.  So glad that I was able to scan this page from her original album. 

Anybody else want to finish the story?

Monday, December 2, 2013

We Turn the Calendar to December and There She Is!

Happy Birthday to Ann



Funny     Grit   Wise   Loving

Caring   peacemaker

with much love from your brothers and sisters.......