Monday, March 31, 2008

Mother's "Life Story"

This was told in Mother's own words. Again, I am including this because I think there are some family members who may not have seen it.

"I was born in Penrose, Wyoming on October 4th (1906). I am one of those fortunate ones who was brought up as a member of the Church. All four of my grand parents had joined the church "in the old country" and left everything to "come to Zion." One grandmother, who was a member of a handcart company, was baptized in the North Sea at a time when a hole had to be cut in the ice. I turned 8 in the late fall but was baptized the next summer on the 4th of July in the irrigation canal when the water from the melting snows had warmed a little. The chattering of my teeth that day was due partly to the cold water and partly to the excitement and the uncertainty of what it was all about.

One of my early memories is of sitting on the top step of the stile on my way home from school where I practiced whistling. I practiced there to avoid my mother who maintained, because her mother told her, that "whistling girls and crowing hens always come to some bad ends,". But I wanted to whistle like my brother, Brooks. It was pleasing to note that in later years Mother whistled too, as she went about her work.

The summer after I finished my second year at college, I went to work as cabin girl on a dude ranch. . . and there was Russell. He was living with his aunt and uncle, the owners of the dude ranch, sawing lumber, building log cabins and pole furniture, and generally being useful. We were married two years later.

We have six children, two boys and four girls. All of them have been interested in the field of Education. Three of them have stayed with it; two are Elementary Teachers and on is Professor of Economics at Colorado State at Fort Collins. These three and two others have done much un-professional teaching -- filling many church positions. Now one grandaughter has also prepared herself to be a teacher.

The safe arrival of Laura January 17 made the 33rd grandchild, and Stacy Ann arriving February 13 gave her the distinction of being the first "great" grandchild.
We are glad that one grandson finished his mission in Salisbury and Johannesburg before the present turmoil. We have two other missionaries at present, one in Austria and one in England.
I do not have certain hobbies as such, but had done a little of a lot of things. My interests are wide and varied, indoors and out.

My long and short range goals are to take one day at a time and make the best of whatever it may bring, realizing that some things are more important for that day than some other things -- but the whole is to be enjoyed.

I have come full circle in my church positions held; beginning with Primary as secretary, and now back in Primary again. In between are years of teaching Sunday School, Relief Society, Geneology, Relief Society President, even music had a turn.

How can I choose a favorite flower? There are too many beautiful ones. But I can tell you some smells I like: shavings curling up from a pine board; water being turned on a hot dry field; sage brush after a rain; bread fresh from the oven. And some sounds to lift your heart: the lilt of a lark bunting soaring upward in the clear morning air; the Tabernacle choir at Conference; Hillarie saying matter-of-factly in the middle of her play: "I love you, Grandma."

My parents who led to all these happy experiences are James Brooks Wasden and Tilda Christena Christensen (is actually spelled Christenson). My name is Minnie Arrilla Wasden Blood.

Regarding the picture: The logs for the house were brought by my father by team and wagon from mountains about 50 miles away, and there, the year before I was born he made a 2-room house that was home for our family till I was almost 7. This picture shows my family. My youngest sister was born after we moved into the new house. The lad was raw farm land (never had been farmed before) and located in the Big Horn Basin where the yearly rain fall would about equal a good shower in Washington.
(Note to reader: The picture is not with this writing, but as soon as I locate it, I will post it, unless someone else can find their copy sooner)


  1. So nice to have this included with the other posts. Who knows where my copy of this is. You have just saved me time and agony in trying to find it. Plus I had the enjoyment of reading it.

  2. For a long time, it was believed that Christena Akesson was in a handcart company. However, the company was really an oxcart company, but she did walk all the way, with the exception of one river, where she was allowed to ride in a wagon to cross it. When I get back from Ogden, I'll look up the name of the company - it's in one of our books.
    I always loved the paragraph where Mother describes the smells and sounds that she loves.
