Saturday, March 29, 2008

The New Wasden Home

Building a home of this size was an absolutely miraculous accomplishment for James B. Wasden, our grandfather, considering the struggle for survival in those early Penrose days.  The house remained the grandest home in the Penrose valley for many years.  Grandpa is standing by the door on the right;  Looks like grandma is holding a baby.  Can you identify others?  This photo is one of those rare gems that gives us a wonderful glimpse of an earlier life that is part of who we are.


  1. Okay, Dwight, label these from left to right...

  2. Difficult to do. According to Elna's book, the house was built just before Lucinda was born - she was born in 1913. This picture must have been taken several years later. It is possible that the children in this picture are: boy with tie, Brooks, next to him, Mother, in front of her, Cindy, and to the right, by Grandpa, Elna. Has to be Grandma with the apron holding the baby. (Could be George?) - and is it Sofe on the far left with Edward? Who is the woman in the middle, standing alone, and who is the man in front of the woman on the left? Surely there can be some detectives out there who can sort this all out. Elna's book, "A Basket Full of Memories", page 65, talks about the new house, and how they had been living in a two-room log house that Grandpa built when they first came to Penrose in 1905. Wow! That makes five children - in two rooms. Sounds worse than Laramie student housing.
