Saturday, March 29, 2008

Photo of J. B. Wasden farm from the canal

This early photo shows the large garden on the left, a long way from the house, which I assume was placed there because of alkali soil conditions around the house that ultimately were remedied by a system of drainage ditches throughout the valley.  The Wasden farmstead can be faintly seen in the far background.  Double click all of these photos for more detail.


  1. And that must have been along hike to the garden! That is one of the fields where Dwight and I thinned and hoed beets.

  2. And just above this is our magical hideout where there were a couple of trees and tall, lush green grass. Judy, Steve and I would take a quart jar of KoolAid and hike up there. I always felt like we were on the top of the world - we could look down on Grandpa's farm and our farm and see forever.
