Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Price of A Piece of Penrose in 1905

This is a copy of the original contract between Grandpa Wasden and someone by the name of Joseph Clifford for the purchase of 80 acers (as spelled in the contract) in Penrose. Hopefully this will come through clear enough that you can read it. However, just in case that doesn't work, the transcript is below. The paper is so thin it feels as though it is going to disintegrate. Any suggestions about how to keep it in tact?

, Wyoming

Jan 25, 1905

This agreement made this 25 day of Jan 1905 Between J H. Clifford of Burlington Wyo Party of first part. And Jas B. Wasden of Byron Wyo. Party of the second Part. Thes said party of the first Part here agrees and covenant to the part of the Second Part 80 acres of Land Know as William Smuin claim Laying South of town site under the Elk Canal ditch with 108 dollars water stock and also one city Lot Laying in the Elk Canal Town Site and the Said Party of the second Party covenants and agrees to Pay to The party of the first Part $300 dollars one hundred dollars to Paid to me in hand and one wagon and one set of Harness which makes one hundred and sixty dollars (160)

$140) to be paid Oct 1 1905 with 8% inst until paid with Promisory note for one hundred & fourty dollars and the party of the first part further agrees to cansel said Inst if Paid within 90 days.

[signed] Joseph Clifford

[signed] Jas B Wasden.


  1. Which one was the farm site that we knew of? You have some interesting documents!

  2. I wish I knew. Where is the map of Penrose when we need it?

  3. These documents are so valuable to understand terms for the change of ownership of property for this period of time. The realtors in the family find these contracts so interesting, in view of the complicated, multi-paged contracts of this day. These papers also show what people were willing to sacrifice to own land....this is good stuff.
