Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Nice Surprise

Judy's posting of Pinnochio stirred another memory for me and so I thought it might be a good time to share. As you may all remember, this was one of Dwight's least favorite books/songs. A few years ago, he surprised me with the book that he had hunted down in a book store somewhere in New York and it came in time for my birthday. It is difficult to express the emotions I felt as I opened a brown paper wrapped package (hmmm - plain brown wrapper!) that Dwight brought to my home. What incredible memories came floating back and what a great peace offering for the years of teasing and "picking on this little kid". I have included the music and the words to Dear Moon, just in case any of you want to sing it. This book kept me company when I was so sick - the record was played over and over again until I probably drove some of you absolutely crazy (and I think it somehow mysteriously disappeared/got broken/ or more likely could no longer be played).

Dwight Brings Home a Book

Dwight did not have extra money while in high school. Yet when he went on a trip with the FFA, I think this time it was St. Louis (1946-49), he brought back this precious book of Pinocchio. The copyright date is 1940 and the Walt Disney illustrations reflect that period. How we loved this book, to read the story, look at the pictures and to remember the giver.

Grandpa Wasden's July Birthday

This picture was taken in Grandma and Grandpa Wasden's front yard in the summer of 1951. Back row, l to r: Grandma, Grandpa, Oscar and Elna House(Aunt), Mother (Minnie) and Dad (Russell), Lucinda Sorensen (Aunt). Middle row: Verne House, Judy Blood, Elizabeth Blood.
Front row, Julian Sorensen, Neal House, Steve Blood, Newell Sorensen, Gail Sorensen, Ann Blood. Might have been a watermelon day? Whose car in the background? Click on this photo to enlarge it to get the (somewhat fuzzy) details.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ann and Steve

What date for these two mischevious siblings?

Minnie A. Wasden

How old do you think Mother was when this picture was taken?

Letter From Stanley Allgeier, Russell's Cousin

Just a saved letter shared between two boys who were cousins and friends. The stationary, the childish penmanship, and the sentiment make it easy to connect to the time, the place and the children.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Roscoe Marion Blood and Louise Krajicek Wedding Picture

This is the wedding picture of our great grandfather and great grandmother. How the styles have changed! As on the announcements, the wedding date was April 2, 1907. Dad was born on February 3, 1908. The happy picture was not to last very long. Louise died on 14 October 1909.

Great-grandson of Russell & Minnie

Jacob Petersen
"You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Japan Tokyo Mission. You should report..27 August 2008. Signed: Thomas S. Monson

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good Roads Day Revisited

These pictures of the 1919 Good Roads Day add to the panoramic picture that we have. In the top picture, it looks like the women worked right alongside the men - then they put on the big dinner at the church house. In the bottom picture, you can see Grandpa Wasden with the team of horses. I don't suppose that the roads were all that wonderful when they were all finished? But, it was a great community effort for the little village of Penrose, Wyoming

Hey, the Final Pictures on Hay(ing)

I had to fade out the top picture of Grandpa Wasden in order to see his face. And, the older picture of Grandpa's stack yard is from Aunt Cindy's photo album.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Double Wedding

Our Aunt Rose and Uncle Will were married in a double wedding with our Grandparents, Roscoe and Louise. These two sisters must have been very close. Imagine how Veronika felt, having two daughters leave home at the same time! But how joyeous the occasion must have been.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ann Tanner

Ann has her own talent for creating. Besides her impecable stitching even of little bitty spaces, I believe that the message is really how Ann sees her life and its obstacles. Now I can look out my window and see the lovely yellow dandelions? Nope, they are wildflowers. I want to do that with the rest of the experiences of my life. I shall try.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Krajicek Story About Early Days In Nebraska

Because we are getting to know our Krajicek ancestors just a little better through the blog, I thought this little piece of their family history might be interesting for those who have never heard this story.

From letter of Rose Krajicek Allgeier in Round Robin, January 23, 1967 – received January 26, 1967 (Mother had handwritten Rose’s notes, but I have typed them to save space on the blog)

Back to bygone years. When Mother and Father were building the sod house on the claim, they went to Pine Ridge across the Niobrara River and cut logs for the roof. We kids were supposed to debark them as our part of the work.

Henry was about 6 months old and we had to take care of him. Mother had gone the three quarters of a mile to Mrs. Schultz’s and Lou was using the little ax to loosen the bark. We had Henry sitting by and like a baby he had to help, so he reached over and his little finger mixed with the ax.

We were all frantic. Lou picked him up and ran all the way to Mother. Mrs. Schultz chewed snuff, I guess or tobacco. Anyway she grabbed chunk of the stuff from her mouth and bound it to the little finger. It grew together in no time, but Henry always had that broken finger nail.

Stanley had a job herding cows for Tom O’Keefe at Nonpariel, which was 17 miles or so away. He would come home sometime on Sunday. Father had to stay in Alliance most of the time on account of his tailoring business. When he came out he would cut some sod and then we would help Mother build the sod walls as high as our supply lasted. We thought it was fun to run up and down the walls as the sod was laid as if building stairs.

We hauled our water from the Niobrara River in a barrel, guess it was two barrels, which was five miles and that road was an old Indian trail which ran up and down over hills and rocky hillocks. Those barrels bounced around in back of the wagon and old Jack and Bill, the oxen, would run down with the wagon pushing them, then back up the hill they had to pull it. Mother surely had a time to control the entire outfit. She had to tie the barrels so we would get home with our supply. As it was, we did get our backs soaked as the water splashed from side to side in the barrel. The Crow Agency wasn’t very far away and some Indians often crossed through our land.

Father decided he would try digging a well; it was in a draw where it was very rocky. The farther down he dug the more rocks we found. To us it was fun finding all those pretty rocks; however that was all he did find; even if he had dug through to China!

That first summer we raised some wheat and in the fall had a threshing crew at the farm. All the farmers wives were very wonderful in bringing foodstuffs and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves even with all the work there was to be done. The wheat was stored in one end of the house until Father bought some sacks.

Father and Mother were ardent and beautiful dancers and of course, they had to take us along, all riding in the wagon box on some straw. Those of you who have read “The Virginian” will have a good picture of everybody’s kids being packed on the floor of one room to bed, while the parents enjoyed the dancing.

I remember the old covered wagon in which we moved out from Alliance, a dilapidated tarp covered it about half way. There was more of “us kids” than furniture. Mother’s feather beds, some quilts made from samples of good for men’s suits, as Father used to have in the shop. I remember we stopped that first day going out, at Tim O’Keefe’s farm over night. She had some old lace curtains on the windows which I thought were very wonderful.

Stanley, Lou and I started to school that fall. We had three miles to walk. Didn’t seem to think much about it as walking went. It wasn’t Kindergarten stuff, it was first grade. You had to be smart in those days. Father and Mother had taught us the “1-2-3’s and ABC’s before we ever started to school, but they were in the Czech language.

Batenburg Lace

Mother said that this lovely baby bonnet was created by Grandma Louise for her baby, Russell. The hand worked batenburg lace is difficult and time consuming, but so beautiful. I don't know if Dad ever wore it, but it would have gone with the classic baby dress that was in his baby portrait.

Russell Blood's Birthday Card

Thanks to Aunt Nance, this is a birthday card from Grandma Kray to her grandson, Russell, in 1933! The period card design is fun, the sentiments are time appropriate, but the signature of Veronika as "Gramma" is valuable beyond wordly things.

Did Grandma Louise Have Piano?

This was among the family papers. One wonders what the significance of it might be. At least it was important enough for Roscoe to have kept upon Louise's death, and since was saved among the family letters. Did Louise in fact have a piano? I believe there is a piano in the parlor photos of her early twentys. If not a piano, then perhaps the statement was for a music purchase. At least we know that music was in her life in some way.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dad and friends

There is more to the story. When I moved to Powell to teach school in 1970, I moved into a house on South Bent Street across from Feusner's Dairy. Dad said that this was where Bernice Bruce lived. He was a little sweet on her - said she had black hair and rosy cheeks. Of course, she ended up being the mother to Bobby Bruce, whom Dwight used to tease me about - sorry, but he was not a very nice person. And the difference between the quality of our mother and Bernice became apparent in later years - glad things transpired as they did.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Letter from Aunt Rose

I think you will be able to read this when you click to enlarge it. The great value in this letter sent to Dad via the Round Robin, was Aunt Rose's touching description of her sister and Dad's mother, Louise. Her words match that wonderful, classic picture that we love.

Using Carbonite to Back up Our Blog

Ann earlier told us that she has subscribed to Carbonite, the on-line backup service.  She has the Penrose Mornings blog backed up in case any of us crashes.  In an article in the April 2 USA Today, Jefferson Graham reviews the use of the Carbonite service.  For now, the backup rate is rather slow if someone wants to back up an entire hard drive, but would be much faster for smaller numbers of GBs.  I had hoped to sign up for it ($49 per year, unlimited storage, and ability to store any kind of file), but so far Carbonite is just for the unenlightened folks who still use PCs and not for the 5% who have seen the light and use Macs.  Since maintaining and preserving our blog is a critical matter, I'm trying to keep us up to date on backing up.  I'm looking forward to considering reorganizing and printing options as we go along.  For now, we just can't afford to lose what we already have.  You can read the article here.

Grandpa Wasden's cup and saucer

Aunt Sofe also received Grandpa's cup and saucer. The cup is white china with a pink flower design on it, and the words "Remember Me" in gold. Sofe remembered her Dad eating his bread and milk supper from this cup, so it dates back a few years. (Note added by Elizabeth - remember going to Grandma and Grandpa's house in the summer time, when they would be eating bread and milk, or bread and butter and little onions and radishes from the garden?)

Grandma Wasden's Goblets

This picture and story comes to us from cousins Ed Johnson and Alva Lowe. "Grandpa wanted to bring some beauty into their home. They had homsesteaded and pioneered for several years. One day he came home with a set of a dozen goblets so Grandma could enjoy some "nicer" things. The goblets were decorated with an etched star design. Grandma loved them, but felt they were "too fancy" for pioneers. Apparently she did use them, because this is the only one left. Ed's and Alva's mother, our Aunt Sofe inherited it."

Roscoe Blood

This photo was identified by Betty Sullivan as Roscoe Blood, her grandmother's brother and our Grandfather. Strictly by guess, the photo must correspond closely to the time of the report cards formerly posted. Don't you love his grin?

The Coal Shed

I'm sure that the reason I took this picture was the barely discernible kittens in the foreground, but it is a good picture of the newer coal shed (the old one was open, with the sides being made of slabs with the bark still on), the round tub on the side, the oblong tub on the ground (?), and clothes drying on the clothes line. That round tub was the one used for years for the Saturday night job of bathing in front of the kitchen stove. The pump is over by the fence.

Grandpa Topping Sugar Beets

Steve and Ann got in on everything! Were they helping top sugar beets? This is in the days before the beet topper that never worked perfectly, but was better than the back-breaking work of picking up the beet with the sharp pick on the end of the beet knife, holding it in one hand, and chopping off the top with the knife, then tossing the beet to the row on the left, and the tops back to the ground to be picked up for cow silage.

James B. and Tilda C. Wasden All Dressed Up

I don't know what the occasion was, but this is a wonderful, if a little fuzzy picture. They look so grand!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wayne Lynn piece in the Deseret News

Wayne Lynn published a short piece in the Deseret News on April 17 that you might like to see.  See the article here.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Sweet Odours of Spring!

Since it's almost springtime in the Rockies, I'm sure my siblings can remember coming home on the school bus in the spring to the pungent odor of the manure in the manure spreader. This picture is one of the few that shows the outdoor facilities, as well as the house. What a job to dig out the winter's collection of the manure pile from the corrals, and then spread it onto the fields to increase the crop yield. Part of real life on the farm.

Roscoe Blood Goes to School

These three report cards belong to Grandpa Roscoe when he was 10-11 years old. On this one, it looks like he was teasing his sister Mabel. He penciled in her name instead of his and gave her a very poor grade in deportment!

Excellent deportment! Doing well! "A pleasure to have in class. "

He sure shaped up that arithmetic grade! But look how well he did in most subjects. However, deportment is down from excellent. ummmm

Little glen at the head of the fields

You can barely see the fields and Grandpa's place to the left. This little copse was a beloved spot. If you were bringing the cows in from the pasture on a hot summer day, it was the first shady relief from the heat. There was a small spring in the middle; it was a lovely spot.

More haying

Grandpa Wasden played it close when he was moving the fork full of hay to the right spot in the stack. He was only about 5'8" tall, and very wiry. Looks like he's right under the fork full here.
Was this Pet or was it Babe? I certainly didn't get a very good angle on the horse.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Minnie Wasden Blood Graduates From U of WYO

Nothing was done special to mark the occasion of this great achievement. Mother came home from summer school in Laramie in August. Steve was very ill with hepititas, I was in love and wanted to take a trip to Washington to see Bob, and Dad was weary from running the farm alone. Ann was innocent this time.

So I would like to offer warmest congratulations to our mother! This was a lifetime achievement. You finished what you started so many years ago. Let's have cake and ice cream with lots of strawberries on top!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dad's Second Washington Shop - and our Marquetry Picture

This picture shows Dad and me laboring to put together the picture we made together in 1991. Dad drew the picture off of a tapestry that grandson Ron Blood had sent them from Vienna in the late 1970's. He wasn't happy with his drawing, so I took it and added a bit more to it, and had the Ozalid copies made for him for Christmas. My gift became a real gift, because he insisted that we make the picture together. I did the left half and he did the right. We actually each made two large sections, and when we tried to put the four together, it was quite a task - sort of like sewing together all sorts of bias pieces. (You sewers will understand that kind of talk.) This shop area was at the front of his two-car garage. In order to heat it a little more efficiently, he installed a large canvas drop between the car and pickup and his work area. He had veneer stacked all over - in the cupboard in the back, the shelves behind us, and the shelves under the bench we were working on. You can also see the old press behind us. The new Delta multiple speed scroll saw was there, as well as the Hegner. He had a little electric heater, but it was still pretty chilly working there. We completed the picture by the middle of March. We spent some very precious time working together - especially since it was that fall that he and Elna decided to move back to Cody.

One other thing about this picture. Dad decided that I should be the keeper of it, since it fit exactly over my piano. However, he really let me know later that he would like to have it after all. Ron solved the problem by taking the picture (59" x 29") to a professional photographer in Olympia, who made an exact copy, had it mounted on a sturdy board, and we presented that to Dad at Cody. He was tickled with it. When he died, I decided the copy should go to nephew Ron Blood, whose tapestry began the whole thing. The original hangs in my living room. The history of it is woodburned on the back.

Elizabeth on the back porch

The porch looks a little the worse for wear, after looking at Dwight's baby picture on it. (Same porch?) I'd discarded the doll for the white cat - the same one we hauled around in the doll buggy. Note the potato being used as a cap for the can of kerosene (used to fill the oil lamps at night for our evening lights.) We did not have electricity in the little brown house until I was 4 years old - the REA (Rural Electrical Association) brought the magic lights to our remote farm area.