Saturday, April 19, 2008

More haying

Grandpa Wasden played it close when he was moving the fork full of hay to the right spot in the stack. He was only about 5'8" tall, and very wiry. Looks like he's right under the fork full here.
Was this Pet or was it Babe? I certainly didn't get a very good angle on the horse.


  1. It's Pet! Pet was a little lighter and had a more narrow face. The only reason I remember is because Steve got to ride Pet because he was littler than I was. it really didn't matter because our short little legs stuck straight out when we were sitting on the horse's back. It is a good thing we didn't ride them very much or our legs would have been severely deformed.

  2. Actually, how do I really know. I guess we can make anything whatever we want - who can argue - except five other people!

  3. You're all wrong, it's Babe. I thought Ann would know that since she had first choice and considered Babe a "Babe." Why? Pet was allergic to the fly bites and had scabs all over her neck and tail bone. Much lighter in color.

  4. I love Judy's loyalty. Maybe this was a good time for Pet. Maybe the flies weren't out yet. Maybe if we could see the other horse this one would look lighter. Judy was right with her first right. Or -------
