Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Little More Penrose Church History

The following appears in the Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by Andrew Jenson, Assistant Church Historian, Printed by Deseret News Publishing Company, Salt Lake City, Utah 1941 (my genealogy "tutor" just happened to have this book):

PENROSE WARD, Big Horn Stake, Big Horn Co., Wyoming, consists of a few saints residing in a scattered condition in a farming district on the south side of the Shoshone River in Park County, Wyoming, about eight miles west southwest of Byron, and 5 1/2 miles south southeast of Garland, a railway station on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. Only two families resided on the townsite in 1930 on which the meeting house and school house is located. The rest of the people live on their respective farms which are irrigated from the Elk and Lovell Canal. This canal taps the Shoshone River about six miles above Penrose.
Penrose may be termed an outgrowth of the Byron Ward and came into existence as a branch in 1905, with Jeremiah Johnson as presiding Elder. He was succeeded in that capacity in 1907 by Peter Shirts, and in 1922 the Penrose Branch (thus named in honor of the late Charles W. penrose) was organized as a ward, with Seth Alvin Johnson as Bishop. He was succeeded in that capacity in 1915 by James B. Wasden, who in 1928 was succeeded by Charles G. Anderson as presiding Elder. The Church membership of Penrose Ward Dec. 31, 1930 was 66, including 12 children.

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