Monday, May 5, 2008

Our Love for Sewing

As I have been looking at the postings on the blog, I decided it was time to check out my cedar chest. One of the treasures I found was this pattern. Mother probably bought it on sale, but the original price was 10 cents and it cost 3 cents to have it mailed from Lovell to Garland. The date stamp is Oct 13, 1933. Mother patiently taught the four girls (Louise, Elizabeth, Judy and me - Ann) to sew on her wonderful treadle sewing machine. Could the comment on the Advance Pattern Dressmaking guide have given her encouragement on the days when we just couldn't quite figure out how to hem the dishtowels? For some who may not be able to read what it says, it goes as follows (keep in mind the year on this pattern):
"One of the extreme delights of every woman is to be well and attractively dressed. Fortunately, with modern dressmaking methods she can with little effort, construct for herself and for her family complete wardrobes at a minimum of expense."


  1. How well I remember the drop-down flap of the pajamas with feet that she sewed for us with this pattern! My only time in the hospital as a child (4 yrs. old) was complicated by the fact that I insisted that I couldn't wear the nightie that they tried to put on me, because only Mothers wore nighties - children wore pajamas! I'm so glad to see the pattern.

  2. Wait till news of this pattern gets around! The philosophy of the Advance Pattern Co would not survive today, but with Mother's know-how that was the idea on how she clothed her children.
