Monday, May 12, 2008

Photo from the Rexburg Family Reunion

This is another picture from the Rexburg trip - judging from ages, around the summer of 1942. I (Elizabeth) am on the far left in the beloved hand-me-down nave blue polka dot dress. I wish I knew who the girl with the bow in her hair is. Next to her is cousin Peggy House holding Judy up. Louise is in the front - what pretty hair. And Dwight is unseen - there is another picture somewhere with him in it. These are mystery pictures - who took them, etc., etc., etc. Who can supply details? Louise?


  1. Elizabeth is pretty cute. Since I am still in diapers, I hope this was only the summer of '41. Louise looks so tall. Who gave these pictures to you, Elizabeth? I am very grateful to them.

  2. It is fun to see these pictures. What cute little people you all were.

  3. Judy, I never could figure the years correctly. Of course, you are right - I just keep wanting you to be born in 1941. I think the pictures came from Aunt Cindy's pictures that Uncle Norman gave me before he died. There is another one somewhere - I still have to find it. Wouldn't it be neat if someone looked at these pictures and said, "That's my house?"

  4. This trip in the beet box of Grandpa's 1939 Ford farm truck was truly memorable. Uncle Orvil drove the truck, and he had to reassure us kids a time or two that we were safe as we went over the mountain passes. Imagine, riding on that long trip on the floor of the beet box!

    I remember the reunion was at a mortuary owned by a family member in Rexburg. I remember being in the living quarters downstairs and wondering how anyone could live in a mortuary. The reunion was upstairs in the gathering or assembly room. At the motel some of the kids may have slept three across on a bed, but I and at least one or two others slept on the floor under the bed Mom and Elna were sleeping on and I thought I was going to be crushed. I remember Mom heating up cans of Campbell's soup on a little stove in the motel room. The dress Liz is wearing, if I am not mistaken was the dress Louise wore in the first grade in her classic photo. I believe that I still have the reincarnation of the skirt that Louise was wearing in the wool quilt Mom made and that I now have. It will never wear out.

    I remember going through the rooms in the mortuary where the caskets were stored and was frightened to death, so to speak. I remember Uncle Orvil giving me a nickel or a dime to buy a bottle of pop which we never had at home and which I longed for so much; I bought strawberry pop and couldn't stand drinking it and was absolutely crushed with disappointment since I finally got a real bottle of pop and it was awful.

  5. Thank you, Dwight, for writing about the details of that trip; I remember some of it, that helped to recall things, expecially about the mortuary. The motel room and the chicken noodle soup are clear memories, because it was such a novelty to have soup from a can!

  6. Thanks, Dwight and Louise. We are so fortunate to have those with good memories about this trip. I remember that it was a great adventure to ride in the back of the beet truck with a canvas covering us part of the time. (I have one other memory of doing that when Uncle Brooks and his family went with us up to the sawmill on the Big Horns the summer of 1944.)

  7. Did I ride in the back of the beet truck also? Poor Mother probably held me on her lap the whole way.
