Monday, June 30, 2008

Ann's (Minnie's) Table

Ann's table reminded me of the time I shared an office in an old building on the oval at Colorado A & M with a colleague.  First he filled up his desk to overflowing.  Then he had a big drafting table which he filled to the rafters.  Then he pulled out the slides on both sides of his desk and crammed them high.  Last I saw him, he was writing on a yellow pad on his knee.  I merely suggested to Ann she solve the problem by buying another table.  I got a rather strong impression I should not post the photo of the entire table.  However, these three volumes should give you a general idea of her personal progress:  Genealogy Fundamentals, most commendable book;  Principle-Centered Leadership, I seriously wonder about this one; and then the one I really wanted to show, Flat Belly Diet.  Wow.  That could save me.  Ann explains there is a magic elixir made up of ginger and other nasty stuff which they drink all the time and which has taken years off their lives.  We need the recipe.  Go water your flour barrels.


  1. Dwight is just angling for a visit from you, Ann, so that you can take a picture of his desk top. I've seen some remarkable things there in the past - and it is a fact that one can conceal important books, etc. underneath and not expect immediate discovery. And the "flour" barrels are really flower barrels, and are sold as being whiskey barrels cut in half. Very picturesque, for sure.

  2. Excuse me - I thought I was being so nice to tell you to come on over, even though my dishes weren't done, my table was stacked with great potential projects, and sitting and talking with you seemed much more pleasant than cleaning off my table. Hmmm, I am rethinking my previous thought. Thank you for not showing the whole table! Just so you know, the Principle Centered Leadership binder was a freebie when I worked at Covey and cleaned out some closets. Inside that binder is Grandpa Wasden's missionary journal, so looks can be deceiving. As to the magic potion recipe, I'll get back to you on that one - maybe.

  3. Sorry, I got sidetracked, but now must finish responding to Dwight's masterfully edited picture of THE table. As to the Flat Belly Diet book, I suspect that one caught Dwight's eye because he hadn't bought it, yet. It is worth reading. The recipe to the Sassy Water goes like this:
    2 liters of water (app 8 1/2 cups)
    1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger root (keep unused portion in freezer until you need it)
    1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced; 1 medium lemon, thoroughly washed, thinly sliced
    12 mint leaves.
    Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher, chill in the refrigerator, and let flavors blend overnight. I usually add more water, to the same cucumber/lemon mixture over 24 hours, and then replace with new ingredients. (Note: This is from The Flat Belly Diet book, p. 80.)

  4. oops, I should have said ADDED years to your lives, not detracted therefrom. And I really am waiting for the ingredients for the elixir.

  5. boy we were sure on the same wave length there, 4:24 p.m. vs. 4:25 p.m., Annie beat me by a few seconds. She was probably feeling bad that she had a doodad that I didn't know about and hadn't told me before everyone else knew about it. Oh well, as Adam said to Eve as they left the Garden of Eden. But Adam didn't have the Flat Belly Book. exactly what is this elixir supposed to do for one?

  6. That's alright - I optimistically thought I knew what you really meant! However, only time will tell which one is the real story.

  7. It was such a relief to know you weren't reading principle centered leadership. Use some duct tape to block out the title. (you can always delete any excess messages).

  8. The magic elixir? Well - it calms the stomach, tastes great, and is one step towards having a flat belly. I have lost some weight in my feeble attempt to use some of the ideas in the book, but I have lost enough inches around my waist to go down one size in my jeans - however I still wear the larger size because I am not buying new ones until I lose a little more weight. Paul has no acid reflux problems when he drinks it, and when we eat something that is spicy, neither one of us has any stomach problems as long as we drink this. Who knows if someone else will respond the same way, but so far it has been good for us.

  9. Duct Tape?? I hadn't thought of that. I have always been somewhat embarrassed by that title on several of my binders, being among the non-converted - but the binders were such nice ones I hated to just throw them away.

  10. Wow! now I am off to pestering my dear wife or someone else who needs a nuisance bothering them.

  11. Did Adam really say "oh well" to Eve as they left the Garden of Eden?

  12. Best leave that to the imagination. Depends on how ticked off he was.
