Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another Letter Written by Dad

This letter, written one year before Dad died, so perfectly tells us how homesick he was for the Wyoming mountains. I thought you might enjoy the little visit.
I believe this was written to go in the Kray/Krajicek Round Robin that Elizabeth still gets from time to time. I don't know if it was ever included, as the original is in THE files I have.


  1. Is that what we are doing with the blog? yearning for home? Dad's writing is poetic to me.

  2. It did go with the Round Robin. The way it works is that you put in your new letter and take your old letter out for your files. Works great.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. And another comment - the last years on 93rd became anxious for Dad, as he began to have nightmares about fires. They culminated in the actual thing the summer they were preparing to move, when he lit a pile of trash down by the shop and tractor shed,thought he had completely put it out, and it flared up again. Maggie's son (the neighbors) saw it and called the fire department and then came up to the house to get Dad. I was there, helping to pack. We all ran down - Maggie was working, trying to stomp out flames with her lumber boots, I found the burned end of the hose that Dad had used, and got the water on it, but it was a pretty serious blaze, and the tractor shed was in jeopardy. We were very thankful when the fire truck showed up to finish putting out the blaze. No wonder Dad thought Cody and city living was less strenuous.
