Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Recipes - Peanut Brittle, Sour Crm Pie, etc.

Remember this recipe? This is definitely the original from Mother's recipe notebook.

Sour cream pie was one of Dad's favorites, along with many of the rest of the family.
Hmmm, sounds like I need to bake.

When I learned to cook, this was one of my favorite Sunday night treats. Mother and Dad graciously put up with my success and lack of success in reaching the "brittle" stage. Dad would often refer to the end result as "good hard tack".


  1. The sour cream raisin pie is the best! Mother figured out a way to use the commercial sour cream, but she always said it wasn't as good as what we had on the farm.
    Each recipe brings back a fond memory.

  2. Nuts in the candy was a treat for us. How many of our kids will eat nuts?

  3. Remember the date roll that Mother sometimes made at Christmas time? It was one of her and Dad's favorites.
