Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dynamic Duo

The Saturday Haircut?
Don't have a date for this memorable picture - and I didn't take it, but isn't it wonderful? Dad (Russell Blood) and daughter Judy Petersen -


  1. Emotions are going crazy. Daddy had such beautiful hair all of his life. Giving him a haircut was a sacred ritual that started with the move to Washington. He would talk away as though we were in a barber shop, often talking about Mother after she died. I did notice that over the years, when sweeping the floor afterwards, there was less and less dark hair. The pay was always the same: he kissed the barber! After he moved Cody, this is one of the things that I missed the most.

    Don't know why, but I love Dad's hats. A man's hat becomes part of his personality. He would encourage me to try them on and then say how great the look. This particular hat, I still have.

    I have never seen either picture, ever. They go to the head of list of new valuables. Thank you very much, Elizabeth.

  2. What a happy way to start the day. It feels like another visit to the past that tugs at the heart. Thank you!
