Wednesday, June 25, 2008

John Mach - Our great-great-grandfather and his family

This is where the Bohemian line stops - we have no information beyond John and Anna Mach. We know that they came to this country sometime in the latter part of 1860's. According to daughter (our great-grandmother) Veronika Mach Krajieck, they came when she was around 7 years old. We have the married names for many of the children, or the spouses of the sons. This was a large family! They had to have come on a boat, but that information is still floating around out there somewhere. John and Anna lived at 12 Rock, Cleveland, Ohio, as listed in the 1880 census, with our great-grandparents, Frank and Veronika Krajicek, and some of the sons who were still at home. Everyone had an occupation, including the younger sons. Frank is listed as being a tailor. John died at the age of 82 of bronchial pneumonia, and Anna died a year later in 1893 at the age of 67. Married names include: Vlk, Greenwald, Smejkal, and Metlicka for the women, and Fink, Novotny, Greenwald, and Lewis for the men. We have very little information, except for the Greenwalds, and, of course, the Krajiceks, later changed to Kray family. It would be wonderful to find out more about these ancestors.


  1. Is your printed report from the new Legacy? Very handy to see it all together.

  2. Yes. This is the chronology report, which tells what is going on in the world at the same time these people lived - of course, it seems to be centered in the USA.
