Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Letter from Jas B to Gramma

The original of this letter must exist somewhere because I only have a copy. Note the letter heading.
The text of the letter follows:
Yellowstone Park Wyo Aug 24, 1903
Dear Gramma
Your most welcom letter was reced A few days ago, And it gave great satisfaction to know you were getting along so well as you are An if you can but take things quiet and not worrey And do that. That is realy nessery and not wothe about eny thing else you will get on alright I am sure. I realise you have much to contend with and feel the responsibility resting upon you And while that is the case just take your ease and let others do the russling and worring. Now as to the farm I wish it was so we could buy it but just at presant that looks rather doubtfull. But as I look for work to be threw here by next Months end we can then talk matters over and deside on the best corse to persue in the future. Tilda spoke of keeping me home after this And I don't think Shell have hard work to do that as I am so tired of this kind of life. Well Gramma let your helth be at all times the foremost consideration And May God Bless you in your indeavors. As ever your Son, Jas B Wasden.
Remember me to all the folks And write soon. All is well fat and sassy here. Bye Bye.


  1. Well, we grandchildren often referred to Grandpa Wasden out of his earshot as "Jas B", meaning no disrespect. But that was how all of his mail was addressed.

  2. But who is Gramma? Since he mentions Tilda by name in the letter, it is not to her.

  3. Because Grandpa signed the letter "your son", this must have been written to his mother.
