Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Missionary Journal

Both Elizabeth and I have worked on transcribing Grandpa Wasden's missionary journal. I am not very far in the process, but in sharing this small portion, I don't want Dwight to think that he can get what he asks for every time (i.e. recipes and now Grandpa's journal). However, when he has a good idea, it is definitely worth responding too. Transcribing the journal is a very tedious task. I keep wanting to correct his spelling and punctuation, but Elizabeth was instructed that we should not make any corrections in order for the transcription to be authentic. So, this has been typed exactly as it is written in James Brooks Wasden’s missionary journal. There have been no spelling, punctuation or grammatical corrections made. For those who do not know the history of James B. Wasden, he was a self taught man with very little formal education.
A Missionary Blessing.
Given upon the head of Elder James Brooks Wasden, in the Salt Lake Temple Annex, March 16th, 1898. by Presidant J. G. Kimball.

Brother James Brooks Wasden: By the authority of the Priesthood which we hold, we ordain you A Seventy in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, and seal upon you all the gifts and blessings, keys and powers pertaining to this high calling in the Holy Melchisedek Priesthood. And we pray our Father to bless you as you have never before been blessed, that you may comprehend the powers that are conferred upon you in this ordination for you are A witness of the Lord. It is your privlage and your duty to preach the Gospel, to be A preacher of righteousness, to labor among the children of men in the world. It is your privilege to leave your home, to take upon you the cross and to follow Christ, to forsake your father and your mother, your brothers and your sisters and every blessing that is given unto you in this your home and country, to preach the Gospel. If you are not willing to do this, you are not worthy of being A disciple of Christ. And we pray our Father to fit and qualify you for this labor; and in as much as you have been called to labor as a missionary in the Southern States, we set you apart to perform that duty, and pray our Father to give unto you wisdom, to help you to be wise and choice in your word, that you may learn to love the souls of the children of men, and have there confidence and there sympathy; and when you shall speak in public or in private, that your words shall carry conviction, that they shall be weighty, that the children of men shall consider them and realize that you have spoken under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Do not be deceived by rong influences; but remember that the Lord will not forsake you, if you are faithful; He will come to your rescue, light will dawn upon your mind, intelligence will be given unto you, no harm or accident shall be fall you, but you shall go in peace and return in safety. The hand of the Destroyer shall be staid in your behalf, and you shall be able to faithfully fulfill this mission. If you desire any greater blessings than have been conferred upon you, you are entitled to the same if you will live for them. So we admonish you to be encouraged, to be hopeful, to have your heart filled with charity, and you shall succeed. We bless you to this end, Dear brother, and say unto you that you have received A great blessing, A great privilege, this day. WE set you apart to this mission, dedicate you to the Lord and to the ministery, reseal and reconfirm upon you all your farmer blessings, and we do it by the virtus of the Priesthood, which we hold, and in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Dues paid to Confrance President.
All paid up until the last of August 1898.
July 24th Sent $4.50 cts to Chatanooga Office. To be placed to my credit.
Sept 22 Dues to Pres J Z Brown 10cts

A pleasing form, A generous heart.
A good companion, just without art.
Just in her dealings, faith to her friends.
Beloved through life, lamented in the end:

Browards Neck, Duvalle Co. Fla
September 7th 1898
Received word of President Wilford Woodruff death in California at San Francisco U.S.A
Cash Credits and P.O so on and so forth
July 16 1898
16 Rec from Mrs. … $1.00 and b stamps .24 cts
“ “ Christena Christenson $1.00
Rec from W W Wasden 25 cts in P.O. Stamps
“ “ Mrs M Metcalf 10 cts Lost dates between …
“ “ Mrs T C Wasden 25 cts

Aug 5th “ “ 8 cts
“ “ 1 Photo
Aug 17th P/O Elder C. B. Snowball $3.00 for shoes
20 cts sox
Received at E. Ellis Maryety Duvall, and give C. B Snowball credit at Chattnooga Tenn Office $3.25
Placed to H Summerhays 60 cts at C. Office for ½ doz B of M

Aug 30th
Rec from C Office 1 …. Fluid. 1 box lether preserver, 1 tie, 1 pack envelopes. 1 writing pad
Sep 5th
24 cts P O stamps from Mrs. T C Wasden
“ 14th Rec from Chattanooga Office 2 W shirts $1.10 2 C Collars 30 cts. 1 Record Book. 1 Pack Envelopes 1 copying Pencle
“ 14 Charge to Eld A G Sedgwick account. 1 W Shirt. 1 Record Book. 1 C Collar. 1 Copying Pencile

1898 Mar 25 Jacksonvill Fla
Got up at 6:30 this morning went down twan and harbor of the St. Johns River. Seen meny Ships, some of larg size. Went back to lodging house – took Breakfast for Elder Wixon and Elton and myself. After Breakfast went to Depot took train for Sanderson Fla at 9.25 am for our dest. Which we arrived at 10.40 a.m. Met Elder John Z. Brown. At station and Bro Westor and Bro Kenova. Took dinner at Bro Westor.. Then walked 3 miles to Bro Mann’s took supper and held meatting in eavening. Had good time stoped all at Bro Mann.
Mar 26
Took breakfast with Bro Mann. Passed fornoon at studing and walking in the woods. Had dinner at Bro Mann s. after dinner studied awhile then about 3 oclock road out with Bro (. _ Terrell. Took supper and held meatting in eavning Was good attendance and had good meating. Blessed three children of Sister Sapp s oldest 6 years July next. Slept at Bro J K Terrall s
Mar 27
Sanderson. Baker Co, Florida
Sunday morning arised at 6.40 oclock. Took walk in woods, come back and dressed for Sunday School. Which was held at Sanderson. Which was well attended about 40 all together, and had agood time and good Order was kepet. After noon meating was held at Bro Mann School house, had good meatin. Went to Bro Mann s, held eavning meating and staid all night. And after afternoon meating pertook of an harty Supper at Bro Mann s. Walked about 8 miles all total.
Mar 28
Took breakfast at Bro Mann s. Took short walk after Brekfast. Came back wrote too letters. One to C and one to W. Took dinner at Bro Mann s. Then went to Bro Terral s and had Suppper. Bless too Children and then went to bed.
Mar 29
Took Breakfast at Bro Terral s then went to Bro Mann s. Took dinner and Supper. And stad all night. Enjoied a pleasant rumble after supper.
Mar 30 Sanders Fla
Took breakfast at Bro Mann s. Studied in fornoon. Then walked over to Bro Terrall s for Dinner. Then went to Bro Manns and met Bro Pres Cuttler and Elder held Elder s meatting in the woods. And rec instructions worldly of following. Elder Wixon goes to _eva Ga and Elder Elton to Putam Ga, and Jas. B. W. to St John s Ga . To supper at Bro Terrall s and held meating at Bro Mann s and staid all night. Elder Wixon and Elder Geo went to Sandars on there way to there field of labor.
Mar 31
After taking breakfast at Bro Manns Pre Cuttler and Elder Brown Elder Elton and my self started for Sanderson. A distance of 3 miles. After making a few nessary arrangements Elder Brown and my self started on our journey southward, arriving at Bro Hills for dinner and staid all night and visited.

Report for Month of March 1898
Miles rode by rail 35
Miles walked 26
Families visited 8
Families revisited 8
Books give away 8
Meatings held 7
Report for the month of April 1898
Miles walked 232
Familys Visited 10
“ Revisited 75
Tracts Distributed 16
Dodgers “ “ 16
Books sold 12
“ “ Givaway 1
“ “ loaned 2
Meetings Held 28
Gospel Conversations 1
Children Blessed 1


  1. How much I appreciate being able to read this journal. There is much to build faith, when I find my own failing. I have tried to read the copy of the original and quickly gave up. That was a lot of concentrated work. Thank you, Ann!

  2. Good job, Ann. I will get out my copy - I asked Aunt Sofe if she knew what dodgers were, and she said that they were sheets about meetings that were just dropped on the street, hoping that someone would pick them up. I hope that is correct.
