Friday, June 20, 2008

Mother's Hospital Stay, March, 1941

We never knew the reason that Mother had to go 100 miles from home to be in the Deaconess Hospital in Billings from March 10-16, 1941, leaving Dad home with Four children, including Judy, who was not quite a year old, and obviously having a grand time teething. This is a long posting, but it tells a family story very well. I think that you can interpret the letters by clicking on them to enlarge them. When I scanned these letters in 1994, I didn't have a very good copier, and the graphite from the pencils used to write them was fading, so there are some unpleasant darker places.

Obviously, Dwight was kind enough to write this letter that I dictated to him - this is before the summer when he wrote a book to teach me how to read, and then gave in with disgust because I couldn't comprehend the symbol "ditto". Anyway, thank you, Dwight for playing with me and making pinwheels to entertain me, and reading stories to me. You used to be very nice.


  1. These letters, along with the hospital bill, tell a great deal of the daily doings of our family: who played with what and how.
    I am sorry that I gave Dad a hard time. It appears that Dad was not used to being left alone with the kids. For Mother, it had been her life.
    Now I would like to take a poll to see how many think that Dwight deserved his shiner......
    This was a great post, thank you!

  2. And when we talk about the way our conversations go back and forth today, do we ever wonder where that all started? As I read these letters and others that have been posted or that I have in my possession, I hear the same fun(ny) "stuff" that we do today in our phone calls, blog comments, etc. It is a cherished way of sharing our lives, twitting (I really like that word- which has several definitions but the one that fits is "to tease") even when we are miles apart.
