Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dad's Cousin, Stanley Allgeier

This picture was taken in the mid-80's when Stanley Allgeier, Dad's cousin, visited in Olympia. From left to right, Elna (Wasden, House) Blood, Stanley Allgeier, Russell Blood, Elizabeth Gage, Judy Petersen with Ben. Dad had a great fondness for Stan and his brother, Bob, from the days he lived with them in Carneyville, near Sheridan, Wyoming, while his father was so ill. He and Stan were the same age. Their mother, our great-aunt Rose (Krajicek) Allgeier was much beloved.
This picture was sent to me from Jan (Allgeier) Brocket. You can see Stan in the front row, a little to the right of center. The celebration was for his 100th birthday in May. Jan, his daughter, and our second cousin, is just to his right. Most of the others are also related to us.

1 comment:

  1. One of the blessings of living close to our parents for a while, was being able to meet visiting relatives. I liked Stanley very much when I met him. Happy, friendly, very courteous, and very interested in the family. He must have got that from his mother. I did not remember that there was a picture, so I am happy to see that.
