Monday, July 14, 2008

Flowers for Louise's Birthday

Judy told me I had omitted flowers for Louise's birthday.  I hereby correct this oversight with some orange cactus flowers, some dusty pink roses, and some yellow lilies.  Double click to get the full view.


  1. The flowers are a perfect addition to Louise's birthday celebration on the blog. It has been fun to read through the memories and birthday wishes of everyone today. Louise is my "older" sister who helped give me a "cool" status in the third grade when she taught 3rd grade at Eastside and I was in 3rd grade at Parkside. Her teacher role definitely helped me become someone important that year. One of the many things I cherish about Louise is her friendship. We have talked about a lot of things over the years and shared many pieces of our lives. What a neat thing it is to be able to laugh and cry together. Louise, I love you lots and hope you have a wonderful birthday year.

  2. The flowers are lovely, and a nice addition to the birthday wishes. Tnanks to everyone for making this a specil day. I love you all a whole bunch.
