Saturday, July 26, 2008


OK, so I couldn't trick anyone, there is only one bunny here, but it is one bunny of a bumper crop. The object of this is though is that there were two bunnies in a shoe box. When Ann and I turned them loose in her bedroom we had no concept of how good they were at hiding and we paniced as we turned the room upside down to find the fury culprits. I remember the day that they out grew there happy home and we had to return them to the wild. We packed them up and carried them to the other side of the drain ditch just south of the Mexican workers pad. Then every time that we would see a rabbit for the rest of the summer we were certain that it was our rabbit. I will let Ann fill in the blanks, names, origin, who's idea it was to turn them loose in the house, etc.
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  1. Those of us older, more mature children, did not ever realize that another life went on at home after we left. We are just discovering how well behaved we were, by comparison.

  2. I can tell you that this is yet one more escapade in which I did not participate. How did you catch the rabbits in the first place?

  3. Ann hasn't come to my rescue yet. Somehow I have it in the back of my mind that Fred Giles had something to do with the procurement of the furry villans and as long as Ann hasn't weighed in on the matter, it was all her idea.

  4. I'm impressed! This is something that I had no knowledge of. I always wanted to catch a bunny, but no amount of careful stalking ever got me close enough. This is a delightful story - but I can't imagine Mother having knowledge of this and permitting such goings on. Could you make this into a children's book?

  5. Which room did you choose for your mischief?

  6. My people contacted me and indicated that I am needed to clarify a little history, so here goes. I was given the two rabbits by Joe Giles, my off again and on again secret crush during grade school, junior high and early high school years. As I recall Mother was not all too pleased, but she relented as long as I took good care of them. So, the two little rabbits lived in my bedroom/soon to be bathroom for about a week. Their shoe box home was not the best, and the day Steve and I decided to play with them in the room was a magical one indeed. Steve's memory is quite accurate. Those two little bunnies hid so perfectly in my little room, we had to move out the bed, pull out the bookshelves, and we finally found them. That was when Mother put her foot down, convinced(?) me that the bunnies would be much happier out in the big, cold, cruel world so Steve and I took the precious shoe box down by the Mexican shack and turned the poor little orphan bunnies loose. Talk about feeling guilty. Mother worked really hard to stop the tears, but that was truly a traumatic moment for me. And that is the rest of the story!

  7. One more thought - Dwight indicates that the more mature children missed out, Judy claims she did not participate and Elizabeth doubts that Mother approved. Can you believe the misinformation that is out there?

  8. More fun than a barrel of monkeys! Not only did you two get to ride Pet and Babe, and all I got to do was to lead them to the ditch to get a drink, fearing all the time that they were going to step on me, but you got to play with real, live bunnies. Oh, well, the youngest are always the most privileged.
