Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to 1944 - Stephen Michael Blood, Now Known as Steve

Steve was a star to us. This picture, taken while he was in his bassinet by Uncle Norman Sorsensen, is the only one I know of during his first years.
1944 was such an eventful year. We moved back to Penrose in February on George Washington's birthday. Steve was born on May 30. Wasden's came to stay with Grandma and Grandpa, and we got introduced to our cousins and Monopoly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And bright-eyed!
    There are so few, if any, pictures of us as babies. I didn't know Norman was the one who took this picture. Nor had I ever put the timing of Wasdens coming and the Monopoly training in perspective with what else was going on in our home. Thanks for posting the rest of the story/pictures from this time.

  3. Ann, you couldn't possibly have done so. After all, you were a cute toddler! I'm sure you have memories of that time, but barely?

  4. Cute? it was mentioned to me that mother commented that I was the longest most homely thing she had ever seen. Good thing that she loved me, I could have been scared for life.

  5. Elizabeth, no memories of that time, but was intrigued with the timing of Monopoly entering our lives. I say "our" because it certainly stayed for many years. Steve, I think your memory is playing tricks on you. As the story was told to me, you were very long, but the word homely never entered the conversation. Cute is a good thing!
