Friday, August 1, 2008


Older brother of four, younger brother of one sibling - By virtue of belonging to and later becoming a VIP in FFA, Dwight went to exciting places like Kansas City (always brings up the idea of the musical "Okalahoma" - "Went to Kansas City on a Friday, by Saturday I learned a thing or two.") We would sit around the supper table spellbound while he would tell us about his trips, plus other FFA activities that he was involved in. We listened to his speech a hundred times(?) when he was in the speech contest. He exhibited leadership qualities early in life - he had to, with four sisters to guide him. The difference between the early high school picture at the top, and his graduation picture, which is next, shows an early maturity. The pose with the car (his?) shows that he wasn't against poking fun at himself, and the bottom picture, a typical tourist picture - was it Kansas City? Anyway, we've always been proud of him, knowing that he is a real softie - a little aged, so he gets a little tough on the exterior, but pretty soft when the chips are down.


  1. Certainly not necessary. Jacket in top picture was purchased when June Collier, band director, decided to hold a dress-up concert without band uniforms. I had no dress jacket or suit, so Mom and I went to the Golden Rule in Powell and we bought this jacket, the only jacket in the store that fit me and one I knew Mom could definitely not afford and was purchased at great sacrifice. Collier humiliated me when he saw it and how could I tell him it was the only one in town and that we couldn't even afford that one? I never forgave him for this. The next suit is my graduation suit, purchased at J.C. Penney in Lovell, the first suit I ever owned, pieces of which are in Mom's wool quilt which I have. And finally, the standard uniform all through high school was the FFA jacket, of which I had three. The blue and gold FFA jacket was the standard dress for all ag boys, and I was proud of mine. Liz must want something or feel guilty about something.

  2. A lot of baloney. The car is the famous blue DeSoto belonging to the Edmonds twins. The horse sculpture is at city hall in Kansas City. I was the guider, not the guidee, let me assure you.

  3. Let's see - what might I "want"? Actually hard to believe, but na-da.
    Glad to have some things cleared up. I am amazed at the teacher persecution that some of us suffered from high school teachers! Sorry about June Collier. He was so mad at me when I quit band my senior year because all of my molars had become so loose from blowing on the French horn. Such is life. And I feel so reassured to know that you were the guider (is there such a word?), not the guidee. (ditto).

  4. Unfortunately, there is so much of Dwight's growing up life that I can only vaguely remember. These pictures are a good guide to that time. I only know how much I missed him when he went away to Laramie, and how blessed I am to have frequent contact and counsel from him.
    Thanks to Eliz for this post.

  5. This post is a good snapshot of a piece of Dwight's high school life. It is fun to see the smiles and the bright eyes in these pictures. If I say much more now, when his birthday comes I would just have to say "ditto", so I'll save other comments for later.
