Friday, August 22, 2008

The Rest of the Old Cottonwood

Winds in Wyoming howl like none other. We were respectful and ran for cover, just as when the thunder and lightening hit. Somehow I have a picture in my mind, that it was Mother who rescued Steve, when he was down the lane as the wind blew.

The wind-fallen cottonwood became our fort and it occupied every minute of our playtime. Up till then, I had envied Elizabeth because she climbed trees and had her fortress in the old willow. I could find her there with a book, out of the reach of mother's voice calling her for duty.


  1. The girl in this picture is a charmer! For some reason I remember Dwight being involved in the rescue, but I'm not sure if it was a joint effort between him and Mother. Maybe Dwight remembers???

  2. Maybe Steve remembers? And it's too bad we don't have a picture of the "tree house" that was in the willow tree on the west of Emmy's home place. Dwight persuaded me to help him (remember big brother hero worship?) haul some boards up the tree. He did most of the fixing, so that we had a stable floor - big enouogh for two. My girl friends from school were envious of our tree house. It was so much fun to sit up there with a book, out of the reach of Mother's voice, and looking occasionally out over a waving sea of grain or alfalfa. Perhaps, like many memories, it was not as wonderful as I remember, but, in retrospect, I'm sure it was!

  3. And how I envied you big kids and your tree house. I was considered too little to climb up that tree. I do remember hanging out around the base of the tree house tree. The moving of the pigpens into the clearing at Emmy's really destroyed the appeal of those old willow trees.

  4. Maybe I just remember Mother's panic at Steve being out on the road.
    Who would have thought that a deserted homesite would be such an oasis for us? Yellow roses were in bloom by Father's Day. The lilacs which Eliz mentioned filled the house each spring.
    BUT....access to the upper reaches of the willow was FORBIDDEN when older siblings were there.
    Yes, it was as wonderful as our memories can atest.

  5. Hey, remember the rose perfume we made from the roses over at Emmy's? That was an amazing perfume - very pungent, especially when it was brewing. And remember how Mother taught us to pop the rose petals? Fun memories!

  6. How do you pop rose petals? I don't remember!

  7. Here's what'cha do. Take your thumb and first finger, put them together to form a circle. Lay the rose petal across that circle/opening then cup you other hand and hit where the rose petal is. Hmmmm, I hope this works. If this doesn't work,let me know and I'll check with my kids.

  8. Not necessarily. It just sounded good.
