Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wasden siblings and spouses, 1973-4

Back row: Aunt Sofe Johnson, Aunt Cindy (Lucinda) Sorensen, and Aunt Lorraine Wasden.
Front row: Uncle Norman Sorensen, Uncle Brooks Wasden, and Aunt Elna House, holding a doll that is wearing Uncle David Wasden's dress and woolen petticoat.
I took these pictures on Aunt Sofe Johnson's front porch - I think it was 1973. Brooks and Lorraine had come to visit, so Elna picked me up from Powell, and we went down.


  1. We look at our own kids and see how different they are. I think we can say the same thing about the Wasden siblings. Maybe we can even say that about us? Good picture and wonderful to have. This is the only picture I have seen of Johnson's house.

  2. The smile on Sofe's face is a fond memory for me. Her life was not easy, and yet she had the warmest smile and seemed to always be concerned for family. These are neat pictures of the four siblings.
