Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Happy Birthday for Dwight

Capture the moment!!! Pictures let us see ourselves as we would like to be, and this picture of the six of us is probably the best. It was taken in 1993 - does anyone remember what serious business Dwight was responding to?

As I went on a picture hunt for your birthday, I must say, this is one of my favorite pictures of you. The day was difficult (this was taken in Cody, Wyoming on the day of Dad's funeral), but you were taking your traditional role of holding us all together in stride.

It is true for me that birthdays seem to be a time of stirring up memories, just as Judy said. My memories of you in the growing up years are memories of awe (you really got to drive the tractor? and who would have ever thought to put out their typewriter case lid in place of a Christmas stocking?); mystery (what did you really have in your chest that Steve and I couldn't see? What, there is just shoe polish and a few odds and ends - at least that was what we found when you left for college); curiosity (just what did you and Dad talk about in the cow barn and where did you learn those songs?); and maybe just a little fear of my older brother. You provided (perhaps unintentionally) Steve and me with our first bicycle(s) that we took apart and put back together and then spent hours riding all over Penrose. What a world you helped open up for us.

Over the years, as I got past feeling somewhat intimidated by an older brother who I could never be as smart as (ask Miss Biddle), it has been so fun to talk with you, learn from you, and to find a very dear friend in you. It is easy to forgive you for being a Democrat, because other than that one small flaw, I see you as being the best older brother ever.

Happy Birthday, Dwight. This flower picture gives you an update on what happens to the Sedum Joy you had posted on Curmudgeonly. In another couple of weeks the color will turn to copper.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday - and year. Love you lots.

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  1. By show I meant the sedum. The picture of Dwight alone? or is that his son Jim? And the six of us? Look how young we were! All is good and what a good day for these pictures.

  2. I always felt that Dad, who loved to laugh, approved of the levity that we exhibited in the pictures taken after the luncheon on the day of the funeral. Thank goodness we could revel in our memories of him, and enjoy each other's company that afternoon. It was hard, but the unity was so important. Besides, who else would sing "Home on the Range" at their parent's funeral?

  3. Happy birthday Dwight, I'm a little behind in things after going 25 days straight on these last chandeliers but it appears that my sisters have come through in high style. So I'll just sit back and let the pros do it, but that doesn't mean that we're not thinking about you. Love from Steve & Mary Lynn
