Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday School President

I am not the one responsible for this copy, but I sure appreciate whoever did do it. Our father seemed to take this calling in stride. While I was in high school, I was the Sunday School Secretary and attended Stake meetings and his presidency meetings. Riding with him to and from was where I really learned to drive, ice and all. But more importantly, Dad would talk to me in a very fatherly way about life, his and mine.


  1. I remember those days so well (except for Judy being the Sec.). Dad really blossomed as SS Pres. I even got to lead the singing in Jr. Sunday School, which was held in a little white house that had been moved in from Elk Basin and sat on the east side of the white church. Of course, I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but the kids didn't care. It would be fun to have a copy of this whole document - familiar names and faces are great memory "joggers".

  2. Once when we came home to visit while Dad was SS Pres., he had me lead the singing because whoever did it wasn't there. Seeing Nolan Grant on Dad's right hand reminds me that when I came back from Germany in 1978, and had to move into the house on Avenue B, very few people were available to help, but Nolan Grant showed up - even though he was suffering at that time from some kind of lung problem. I can't remember if that contributed to his death, but I just rememeber what a kind person he was, and what love he had for Dad.
