Monday, October 27, 2008

Steve, Ann, and Judy, Young and Innocent

Picnic, somewhere besides Penrose


  1. We were very cool teens. Whose FFA jacket is Ann wearing? Note that I have no such trinkets, not even a cowboy hat like Steve!

  2. Also note the Minnesota Woolen Mills jacket hanging over the right side of the car. That was one of Dad's trademarks.

  3. What a neat photo. Ann looks so young and tender (cool, with the FFA jacket). Steve, you look so innocent, and Judy, with the snazzy black? scarf - Where was this picture taken? And what was the car? I don't remember that one. Were Mom and Dad there?

  4. Velna and I were home for a visit and we went on a picnic, probably Northfork. This wasn't our car, so it must have been Dad's and Mom's.

  5. Dad was really proud of this car. The gas filler was behind the tail light and dad loved it when the station attendant could'nt find it. One of the biggest thrills was going by the "See em Alive" zoo on the way to North Fork. Alas, long gone.

  6. I had totally forgotten about that jacket. The FFA jacket is another sign of my insecurities. Dwight had an FFA jacket, and was really cool, so I wanted one. Do you remember Wesley Furhiman (sp???), the vet(animal DR.) who came to Powell in the mid 1950's? They were church members and they really liked our family. Wesley had an FFA jacket that was almost brand new. I can't remember why he gave it to me, but I wore it proudly for at least a year. I think it was a Vernal, Utah FFA jacket, and what made it even more cool was "friends" were just a little envious - did I have a boyfriend who lived in Vernal? Whatever happened to it, I can't remember, but for that period of time I got to be just like Dwight (in one small way).
