Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hey Liz, Remember This House?


  1. Oh, my goodness! I can't believe you have a picture of that house!That picture brings back a flood of memories. Was the address 412 Garfield? In Laramie. I was so bloomin' homesick, and my board and room was earned by baby-sitting Boris and Tawnia in the evenings, because the mother was a hostess at the Connor Hotel bar, and the father worked on the railroad. Dwight got the job for me - Nadee Harrison Davidson had been the babysitter. So, my first summer in Laramie, I walked all the many blocks from almost downtown Laramie to the Ag Building on campus, where I worked as a secretary for four hours for Papa Jenny, walked to 412 Garfield for lunch, and then walked back to the Library to help foul up the periodicals section for Dr. Mason in the afternoon. After that, I would go up in the stacks and read old magazines for a little while, then walk back to 412 Garfield, and prepare for my evening of torture. The girl was okay, but the boy was most difficult, and at 18, I didn't know how to handle him at all. I was so relieved when fall came and I could move into Hoyt Hall. The family was good to me, and moved my meager possessions into my dorm room. Hallelujia! (My bedroom window was the center window on the second floor - I shared the room with Tawnia.)

  2. Dwight really unlearshed a memory there, didn't he? All it took was the right picture. Good work!
    But I now see why Elizabeth was so thin.

  3. Let's see - what did you mean to say, Judy? I'll accept the thin part, although it bordered on skinny. Too bad it didn't last.
