Thursday, November 6, 2008

Old Penrose Bridge

A side view of the old Penrose Bridge, which consisted of two original railroad bridges placed end-to-end.  Question:  how on earth did they haul the railroad bridges in here at that early date?  You can see the middle pier, which was our private fishing and hiding out place just to watch the river flow by.


  1. And if you can believe Judy, she says she never went down on the pier. Steve and I spent alot of time down there. It provided us with quite a feeling of being on our own little adventure. I suspect Steve led the way and I followed because I didn't want him to think I was not as courageous as he was.

  2. But the fish never would bite on the wormy fish hooks at the end of our make-shift poles.

  3. This historic bridge is very similar to the photos of your New England bridges! Indeed a treasured landmark.

  4. Yes, but there is more to the story. Dad and I used to go down by the spillway for the canal and get gravel for the road and sand for concrete. The first time we did it we kind of watched for traffic over the bridge hoping not to get caught,then we found out it was ok and didn't care.
