Sunday, December 7, 2008

Another Memory Jogger

A little while back Judy posted a picture of her well loved doll she had received for Christmas one year. Here is a picture of two of my favorite Christmas gifts I ever received, while living in Penrose. The little brown and white bear I received the year I informed Mother I did not want a doll for Christmas, but wanted a teddy bear (when I was probably in second grade). This was close, and the little creature was well loved. There is still a bell in one ear that probably drove Judy crazy when we slept together because the bear was my friend and slept with me. The jewelry box (forgive how the inside looks, but that is the real me!) was a most amazing gift I received my Senior year of high school. For some reason I wanted a jewelry box, although the only piece of jewelry I had was a pearl ring Judy had given me to wear for a few years, and a few pairs of clip on ear rings (very big flowers!!!). There was no logic to that wish, but this has been a priceless gift that has traveled many miles with me. The lining in the compartments is from the scraps of my green velvet dress I wore for Judy's wedding. There is a place to stash more treasures by lifting out the piece that holds the treasures you can see. It holds even more mysteries! Dad did sign the inside of the lid - I wish it had Mother's signature as well because she played a big part in making this become a reality for me. This was definitely a gift of love, as were all the gifts we received at Christmas time, big and small. What are some of your favorite Christmas gift memories?
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  1. Your box, as I remember was always kept on top of your highest dresser when your kids were little. It was a place of honor and security. Wasn't your box the first one they did?
    As for giving up dolls, you were very brave. But I am so pleased to see an old friend!

  2. The value of treasures depends on several things, but first and foremost is the maker(s), the giver(s), and the receivers. We take very good care of these treasures, and Daddy's and Mother's boxes are indeed treasures. I remember the box very well, and thought it was so special because it has your name on it done in very elegant letters. (Remember the book of letters that Mother would copy from to make the elegant lettering for many things?)
