Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Tree from the Past

The early Baby Brownie either didn't have a way to use flash bulbs, or they were too expensive, but one year Dwight wanted to get a picture of our Christmas tree and some of the presents, so he moved it all to the front porch. It's nice to have this early picture.


  1. That truck is classic! The "twin dolls" were divided between Ann and me. The one with the bonnet is the doll that I posted earlier. How nice to see "Susan" when she was brand new. Tinsel, ah yes. One year Mother covered match sticks with the silver wrapper from the yeast cakes, tied a thread at the top and hung them from the tree.

  2. Santa was very much in the know about the dolls. Mine had brown hair and Judy's had blonde hair. The truck was amazing. The pains that were taken to keep the tinsel from year to year made it feel like a most valuable part of the tree decorations. I do not have any memory of the creative recycling of the silver wrappers from the yeast cakes. Mother was the best at seeing the potential of all kinds of odds and ends.
