Wednesday, January 7, 2009

University of Wyoming Normal Training Diploma - 1929

Click on this to see the date and signatures. It is interesting that 146 personnel from the University of Wyoming faculty and administration signed this diploma. Among those signatures are: Arthur Griswold Crane, Ph.D. (was he the President, Dwight?), A.P.Vass, Agronomy, S.H. Knight, Geology, O. C. Schwiering, M.A. in Education, who later became an artist in Jackson Hole, S.S. Nussbaum, HIstory, and Clara Bowman, Education. Dr's. Vass, Knight, and Nussbaum were still at the University when I attended 1953-55. (I knew Dr. Vass because I edited his writings - I had geology from Dr. Knight, and ancient history from Dr. Nussbaum. The name Bowman is one that we heard from Mother - she lived at the Bowman home, and earned her board and room by being a "maid" of sorts. (The experience was not one that she was fond of recalling.)


  1. lizabeth...I only see two signatures. Where are the others that you are referring to? It is a treasured piece of paper to see!

  2. Do you really want me to scan all those autographs? If you say "yes", I will do so - pronto - tomorrow. :-0

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. And that would then be the source of the recipes in Mother's recipe box that indicate they were from Mrs. Bowman. Now we know the rest of the story!
