Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines of the Homemade Kind

One year Mother sent this valentine to my kids. Inside it says: "If somebody has found a friend, send valentines with love and turn that frown right upside down, A smile will take its place."

This was a valentine booklet I made for Mother and Daddy one year that was saved from probably 1952. The little story I wrote on each page is quite an amazing piece of writing. Oh, well.


  1. Seeing the lacy dollie on the valentine, reminded me of the supply that Mother gave us to make all the valentines we could want. The red paper was also a treat. Valentines Day was such a blessed relief from the chicken pox, measles, sore throats, coughs and the continual below zero weather.

    I love the frowny/smiley faces! And I think we need to see the inside of Ann's little book. Could she be persuaded?

  2. If we add another request - pretty please? Lacy doilies were a big deal in our house. We colored them (along with pretty embossed napkins), cut them up, pasted them with flour and water paste, etc. etc. etc. Thanks for the reminder.
    (Of course, there were the packages of commercial valentines that Dwight always managed to get the biggest ones, because we laid them out and took turns picking the next one in line.
