Friday, February 20, 2009

What's for Dinner?

Tonight Paul and I ate creamed asparagus on toast (with a sliced hard boiled egg). Ummmm, it was so good. The main reason I am sharing this is I got a call from Steve not so very long ago concerning the question about whether I really liked asparagus while I was little, or if I just ate it so Mother would like me better. In an attempt to disprove his theory, I just wanted to share the fact that dinner was very good, although I must admit I definitely prefer my asparagus stir fried rather than boiled. This is one vegetable that has a lot of history in our Penrose lives. Mother and I would go out hunting for the new shoots shortly after Dad would burn the weeds along the ditchbanks. That was always a fun treasure hunt. For some reason the asparagus always grew quickly after the weeds were burned. It was on one of those expeditions that Mother taught me a little song/ditty that after she would sing it, she would laugh and laugh. I suspect those little ditties belonged in the same category as whistling. Fun memories!


  1. What is supposed to be at the bottom in those little boxes? Asparagus - hated it as a child (Mother was a great cook, but she always overcooked it!), but really like it as an adult, especially if it has a cream sauce with hard boiled eggs in it and is served on buttered toast. Nice picture, by the way.

  2. I was so excited when I saw the title of this post from another blog. Aha, I said MY "what's for dinner is solved." There will be a magic answer from one of my benevolent siblings. Alas, I was misled. Again........

  3. I haven't a clue what the little boxes are. I think they are quite attractive.

  4. I have always said that searching for something that is basically green and slimy is a real treasure hunt. While I appreciate asparagus now when cooked properly, the image of Ann smuggly enjoying what the rest of us suffered in great agony over is embalazoned in my brain forever.

  5. Does that make me unforgettable?

  6. anyone else notice that the blog just died with the introduction of asparagus?

  7. It's your turn, Steve, isn't it???? Asparagus just can't do that to the blog. I've been too busy with Ancestry - check out your ancestry with the invitation to look that you got via e-mail. Otherwise, I just know that someone will come up with a good posting.

  8. Oh yes, under threat of the razor strap I felt the need to protect Liz so we hid in the culvert under the lane to the Jones place next door. I can't remember whether justice? was meted out and whether I was guilty for aiding and abetting. Remember when Ruby H. wrote a detailed letter to the editor of the PT instructing dumbies how to harvest asparagus along the ditch banks so it would grow back? I was a good boy and ate my asparagus since I liked it. Just the girls who made a big fuss. Imagine.

  9. And I just thought everyone was savoring the thought.

  10. Actually, Mother saved the asparagus from supper, and I had to sit in the pole chair and eat cold, slimy asparagus for breakfast the next day. Oh, well, it was probably character building?

  11. As you will see here, asparagus is one of the world's healthiest foods
    mother knew best.
