Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Older Children


  1. Did we wear the former photo out? I don't see any agonizing story here. I see nothing but youthful bliss, a life without hoes of any type.

  2. Steve, "hoes"???? Please clarify. And this is a wonderful photo. I must have had a cat in my coat - Dwight, looking earnest, is very properly holding the cat, Louise is apron-ready to fix supper, and Judy is just plain disinterested. As I look at these Ralston pictures with the light streaks in the middle, this may explain what finally happened to Mother's old camera - it just wore out.

  3. What a neat picture. Cute kids, more cats, happy days. Shall we all move back to Ralston?

  4. What do you think my problem was? Start checking the real estate.

  5. Notice the Model A and Auntie's, the finest and most modern government outhouse available. Remember when we had about 20 of them in our yard? And what did people think as they drove down the highway? Note also the general mature demeanor of the older children which prepared them for hard labor without a word of complaint. The story I remember about Mother's camera is that it was stolen/lost at the Cody Stampede one year. Which doesn't explain how these pictures were taken in 1942? 1943? I would have had my baby brownie by 1945. There were so few photos in Ralston and also earlier, I wonder if Mom borrowed a camera from Elna, or if she did still have hers? I don't remember seeing her camera and I pretty well snooped through everything... Actually, Ralston generally was a hoot except for being sick for four months. I remember sitting on the roof of Aunties eating a WHOLE candy bar for the first time, paid for with money Dad made working at Heart Mountain. And Dr. Brent, Call Surgery. Etc.

  6. "General mature demeanor"? It is fun to tell stories like you remember them - the challenge, I believe, comes when there are others who may have different memories. However, because I was very little, I suppose I cannot be the one to make that challenge. Shucks!
    Did Mother and Dad go to the Cody Rodeo? Did any of those with a general mature demeanor go with them? Love the outhouse story.

  7. In the picture of Steve and Brig with the cat, that is not Steve's hat.

  8. Why are we not concerned that I might have had blowing sand in my eye or had other desperate problems? I think I was neglected.

  9. MY HAT, Judy borrowed it in order to look cool.

  10. Little children, do not quarrel over whose hat it was 75 years ago. Go hoe beets. Look at the dignified demeanor of the older children and do likewise.

  11. Questions: (1) did Mom use a bowl to cut my hair? (2) What is on the end of Liz's pigtails? (3) How were priorities set for Aunties? (4) Why did Judy not pay attention and pose for the photo?

  12. Let's see - where do I begin? Steve, you still haven't answered my question about "hoes" from your first comment. AND, Dwight, those were bows near the bottom of my pigtails. Mother used to tie big bows where she quit braiding, and then tie one on the side of my head (in my hair, of course). I used to feel very grand when she did this, even though they were pretty floppy by the end of the day.
    And Auntie's was "first come, first served". Of course, once we had the FHA-approved fancier outhouse (is that the one in the picture?), some cloddy people would through rocks on the metal corrugated roof, and the clamor would cut short any business that was taking place inside. Oh, I'm glad those days are gone forever (I hope.)
    I just remember playing house inside all of the newly built outhouses that dotted the hillside at Ralston. We were sad when the FHA came and hauled them all away to go to farmers who had FHA loans. Do you suppose that was similar to when the banks used to give toasters for starting an account with them?

  13. I do remember one time when Steve and I decided to throw little rocks on the tin roof in Penrose and when there was this deep voice (Dad's) that yelled "Hey", we ran as fast as we could. Do you think Dad knew who the guilty ones were?

  14. He(Dad) NEVER would have suspected such actions from Ann and Steve.
