Monday, March 2, 2009

While we're on the subject of cats


  1. Second try! These pictures are true classics. Steve did love the cats - what a "cute" little boy. Let's face it. We could get away with the cats but a pot hound or pot licker was not to be.

  2. Oh, but you forgot the "pot likker" that Uncle Norman gave Judy one spring - the stupid thing got into the baby chicks (my responsibility that year), and killed bunches of them. That pot likker disappeared from sight after that - Dad never did like him.
    And cats - during the years of 1971-73 when I and my five lived in the old house at Penrose, there was a white mother cat who had her kittens under the front porch. How my kids loved those kittens. One had ten toes on one foot, so the kids called him "Ten Toes" (naturally), and we took him into town with us when we moved into the little house on Clark Street. When I signed on to go to Germany in 1976, there was great stress about Ten Toes, so we ended up giving him to a Brinkerhoff family that lived at the junction of the cemetery road and the highway from Garland. He didn't last long there, and our former neighbors said that for about a year, he roamed the neighborhood. Sad ending to a faithful cat.

  3. Yes, Steve was/is adorable! Who is the all black cat? These pictures are keepers even if you didn't know the little boy.

  4. Look at the adoring look on the cat's face in the bottom picture.
