Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to Judy, Part II

This garden decoration, a gift of one of Judy's grandchildren, well epitomizes the more colorful side of our sister - she is truly creative in all of her undertakings - and a little zany at times, too.
These pictures were taken a couple of years ago - if only all of us could age as gracefully as Judy has.

I have to explain why I have two postings for Judy's birthday greetings - I had a wrangle with blogspot and retrieveing my pictures - but that got resolved, and I could continue. Judy is five years younger than I am (telling secrets), but she has been a wonderful and loyal friend through all of the years. I can never forget "Come back, Shane", and "I know a dark secluded place..." or her "I hate you, I l-o-a-t-h-e (made to sound like love) you." Sounds stupid, but we used to laugh so much - and still have over the years. When we lived in Washington and Judy was working, she sometimes showed up on my doorstep because she had to make a run to Costco for office supplies, so we would go shopping together. And Judy's influence on me has been profound - like the year we visited her friend, Ruth Wick, and ended up with 450 rhodie and azaela cuttings, which I ended up potting up and raising to maturity. Our yards did not want for beautiful plants. Or we would go fabric shopping and I would be at the counter checking out and Judy would be putting her bolts back on the shelf. It always amazed me when Judy, Ann, and I lived so far apart, and we would get together and compare notes about dress patterns and fabric, and find we had the same thing. Something in the genes, I guess. Anyway, Judy has been a wonderful friend, sympathetic (empathic) listener, amazing example for me through the years. I loved it that when I was at her house and answered the phone, that people couldn't tell our voices apart. And people used to take my parenting class and watch me with a puzzled look on their faces because I reminded them of someone they knew - and it always turned out to be Judy. May your day be heaped with love and good wishes, and may you overcome the slugs in the garden. Much love to you!


  1. Okay, you got me. Life has been very good and the things you mentioned prove it. How blessed I have been to have brothers and sisters at the ready at all times.
    All of you along with Bob and our kids' families are my very best I have just known longer...
