Thursday, April 16, 2009

Just a Few Snow Flurries

This is just an update to yesterday's post. By this morning we had 17" of snow. The snowblowers are going around the neighborhood, the snow plow has been out trying to clear some of the roads, and it is projected there will be more of the same today. Guess I will wait to work in the flower beds.
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  1. It may have rained all day and night for two days, but our snow didn't start to stick until last evening, so we may be white, but we aren't as white as you are - and we are 145 miles to the north. You win this contest, hands down. Happy shoveling - or will it all melt off? The sky is blue so far this morning, and you have to squint outdoors.

  2. I think 17 inches means the school called a snow day and cancelled classes. Remember this day when it is 105 degrees next summer!

    Time to watch Kit Kittridge.
