Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Steve!

You were so doggoned cute - How did you grow to be so tall? When you were born, we all came home from Grandma Wasden's house to find you stretched out on a pillow - completely filling it from one end to the other. You had many talents that you used as you grew older - the drama of your plays, including being in the "mellerdramas" in Jackson Hole, showed that you had the particular talent of being "theatrical". Then there was the time you entered a high school painting in the Wind River Art Show in Riverton, and won in your division (I had a devil of a time getting your painting of clowns back to you.) You were always a good uncle when my kids came visiting, and we had times down on the river sketching and discussing your future. The last 40 years or so, you've been using your woodworking talents to showcase your witty animal art, and to decorate places like Snow Lodge and Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone Park, among other places. We miss you - New York State is a long ways away, but we do get an occasional glimpse. We appreciate Mary Lynn and the beauty of your New York home. Hope your day will be a good one.


  1. Steve definitely has the charm which is evident at any age. Anyone would want to take that little boy home. And we still do.
    Happy Birthday, Steve. OH, YES.... This is NO. SIXTY FIVE, RIGHT? I am happy that your experience at the SS office was so inspiring.

  2. Look at that potential just bubbling over. To the SS office already? Are you THAT old?
