Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Those who already know what this little
building is will know what this little building is

Ralston remains the place of choice for a retirement
villa. Many options, low population, pub, convenience
store, gas station, railroad track, highway, luxury dwellings,
what more could one ask?


  1. Put my name on the waiting list.

  2. Anybody who's anybody would recognize the building as the grainery. I got locked in there with Vern House. After no response to our hollering, Vern broke that window in the door so he could let us out. I was more scared about the broken window that I was while locked inside.

    Does it get any better than Ralston?

  3. Wow! In this era of declining real estate values, surely there is a good deal here? But there doesn't seem to be any place that we can take empty beer bottles from our cache to get refunds to float these deals. I think I'll pass on this one.

  4. P.S. And, yes, Judy, that was certainly the old grainery. It does seem to be standing in a jumble of junk, though.

  5. What's a "jumble" of junk?
    New word.

  6. Use your imagination. Maybe the word was ill-chosen. The British use the words "Jumble Sale" for "Rummage Sale". (I learned that from watching British comedies.)

  7. We are supposed to be admiring Ralston here, not discussing vocabulary

  8. At the risk of chiming in just a little late, one of the sad things for me about Ralston is that even though I was born there my birth certificate says I was born in Powell. I am thinking perhaps I should file a dispute, especially with Ralston becoming such a progressive place.

  9. Rumors have begun of interest in relocating in Ralston. Five new people would raise the population to 105, a 5% increase and would surely create an economic boom, what with stimulus money, bailout funds, and such.

  10. Just look at how clean the highway is. That is an invitation to relocate all by itself. What do you think our chances are to get a deal on a piece of property big enough to build a senior commune/retirement community? Politically speaking we could make quite an impact. And if this would keep Steve and Mary Lynn from moving to Florida I think the pressure would build.

  11. This is about Ralston, not Florida. Besides, Steve wants on the Ralston waiting list so he can't move to Florida
