Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stanley Allgeier, our First Cousin once Removed

I received word from our second cousin, Jan Brockett, that her father, Stan Allgeier had passed away on July 9th, right after midnight. The only time I met him was when he came to Washington in the late 1980's with his second wife, to visit Dad and Elna. We corresponded quite a bit over the years because he was very interested in genealogy. As you can see, he had a very long life; only the last couple were spent in a nursing home. Be sure to click on the obituary so that you can read it.


  1. Elizabeth, I am so happy that you have kept in touch with Dad's family. Otherwise we would have no contact and no information.
    Just imagine, this is the Stanley that is in the photos with Dad as a little boy in Sheridan.
    101years is a long time to live.

  2. I can only say "ditto" to Judy's comment. Thanks to Elizabeth's correspondence with Stanley a little more is known about Dad's family. Stanley lived an incredible life. It is good to be reminded that there are things to be done, no matter how old we get.
