Friday, October 2, 2009

Dad and the Marquetry Society of America

Dad made so many beautiful marquetry pictures in his lifetime, and people constantly admire the ones that I have hanging in my home. However, he suffered from an inferiority complex and uncertainty about how his work stacked up against other marquetarians. He subscribed to the "Fine Woodworking" magazine, and invariably, moaned about how his work was not good enough. However, he did join the marquetry society of America, and I am the proud recipient of his membership pin. Good memories of the few years that we worked together! (The above plaque was also made into a small picture - Mother named it "Holy Night" - don't know if that was the original pattern's name or not, but it's very appropriate.


  1. This is one of my favorites, there is something so peaceful about it.

  2. A great post for this morning. I hope this will kick off more pictures of the various valued works of our father, some of which Mother joined him in the making. This is the most untouched ground on this blog. In other words there is still work to do!!!!
    Thank you, Elizabeth....Judy

  3. What do you mean, anonymous? Is that your new name?

  4. If there is any doubt as to how good dad really was, check out the marquetry society page.

  5. And how do I find the right marquetry society page?
    The Silent Night piece (that is what I always called it)hung in my bedroom/one day to become bathroom. When I moved in with Judy, that picture went with me. When I went to college, it went with me. When I got married it went with me. I don't know if that was the intent, I never asked. The picture then hung in Beth and Kristen's room, and when Beth went to college, it disappeared. It now hangs in her home. She didn't even ask!

  6. Ann, look at the pin, and Google it. ;-)

  7. Found it! And now I can honestly agree with Steve's comment - not that I disagreed to begin with!!

  8. I'm waiting for someone to do as Judy (otherwise known as Anonymous) has suggested!
