Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Ann and I would play on ours forever, the only thing more fun was the seed drill.
(this isn't a dump rake, but alas a substitute)Posted by Picasa


  1. Actually, isn't this a side delivery rake? Dalphon Anderson hired me to drive his ornery team of horses and rake his hay with one of these. Unfortunately, I ran it over a tree stump and ruined the rake. Dalphon never scolded me but took it all in stride. I've never forgotten that even ornery cusses like Dalphon can be more decent than you might ever expect from others. A dump rake (and I'm sure you all know this) runs straight across and you trip the rake after it gathers a bunch of hay and it "dumps." But then I have a bachelor's degree in agriculture.

  2. No, I didn't know all of that, so thank you for the education. I just knew that Dad raked the mown hay into windrows that we then picked up with the hay loader.

  3. 'Tis a delightful old friend, by any name. Keep them coming Steve!
