Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grandpa Wasden's Journal beginning 1898

On Friday morning we had a visit from Julian and Patsy Sorensen. They have loaned me Grandpa Wasden's little journal that includes his days in the park and the trip from Salt Lake City to his mission. I will find a way to digitize it so everyone can have a copy, but I thought you might enjoy just a little snippet. Because the journal is quite fragile, I won't try to copy it because to lay it flat on a scanner or copier might create problems.
Please note, I have transcribed what is included here exactly as Grandpa wrote it - no corrections, etc. What a special peek into a few days in his life as he traveled from Gunnison to Florida. What a trip. Makes me more determined than ever to get busy with my journal.

Page 30
Gunnison, Utah
March 15th 1898
Leave Gunnison 11 a m arrived at SLC 6.20 p.m. Mar 16th atended to arangments for dep
Stayed with John Christenson over night. I took breakfast at father's, and Dinner with Annie and Emma Christenson and Supper with John C.
Jon and Jos walked to Station with us Hanna C Father Kate and Bell joined us there to see us off.
Left 6.25 pm arived at Ogden 8.20 PM. Arived at Rawlin 7.20 a m on the 18th and still it snows. Arived at Larmie for dinner. Fine weather and a fine strong wind with it.
Arived at Cheyenne Wyo. 2.20 PM and still the wind howls.
Arived at Denver 6.25 PM. Found the Plat Valley quite interesting And farmers at work.
Bro Parson and I stand guard while the other boys are up town for supper and to see the sights.
There comes the boys so now Bro Parson will out and paint the town. Returned from up town and found it all right. Our train leavs 9.40 pm
Adue to Denver
Mar 19th 1898
Arived Ellas Kansas at 7 am. On awakening up this morning found our selvs in the State of Kansas with its broad prairies before us. Some of which was deckerated witht the staff of life in its infant state.
Oar the green fields, and the boundless Plain But give me O da the Mountains of the main.
At noon. Ft. Reley. Aparently a very nice Foart. Arived at Kansas City 5 pm. Took in Kansas City Mo. Fount it very interesting., especily the market places and publick buildings. Leave on the 9 pm train. for St Louis
Sunday Morning Mar 20th arived at St Louis 7 a m One of the boys got lost But joined us later at Union depo. Then for breakfast and the to see the town with its beautiful and extensive buildings which are very numerus then out to grove Park about 4 miles out which was grand. Tom and Bro Anderson has just returned, and say they have been to meating. The met on Bro. from Manti and one from Logan and had a good time. Belive I would feel better if I had been with them.
Ezra. Christenson, Manti, Utah
Melvin J Ballard Logan
March 21 1898
Arived at Nashville Tensee 9 am.
Chainged cars and now bound for Cha - nuga
240 The afternoon of the 21 of March 1898. We the band of 14 landed at Chatanuga. As time will not permite me to write up this trip, will suffice to say it has it is one to never be forgotten. One of great interest and pleasure.
The train went speding over the plains of Cansas,
And over the roaling hills of Texas.
We then awaken to find to find ourselves amoung the lofty hardwood The roling green fields, The Flours The Dells That thrills one Subblime Subblime
March 22nd Last night held councle Meating about too hours. And this morning we held instruction meating. Bro Kimble gave good advice, and eny one that follows __ near it is all right at least I would be willing to chance them; also Bro Nelson spake the words of A true Laterday Saint.
March 22nd 1898
We all went upon Battle Mountain this after noon. But owing to some of my carlseness could not enjoy my self so quit the Boys and came back to the Rosmond Hotel where we are stoping. Thanks be to he who over rules all on my arival found all well.
As to the Mountain. The senry. The views. And the Historical of that spot is grand in every sense of the word; My pen is to poor to express its gran-gure.
Mar 23rd Leave at 6.10 pm for Florida


  1. Thank you to Julian for sharing this journal and to Ann for the transcribing. That can't be easy. But Grandpa's mission must not have been easy either. So good to have this record available!

  2. Thanks, Ann, for pursuing this. As I transcribed the first 9 months of Grandpa's missionary journal, I found that it got easier and easier to understand what he was saying. It's sort of like looking for clues - wondering what he meant. Unfortunately, my work needs to be done over, because I corrected Grandpa's spelling, etc. - and I haven't had the heart to go back. This had to have taken quite a bit of time for you. Thanks. And so glad that you approached Julian about obtaining the journal. Last night, as we were watching the filming of the Joseph Smith papers for the book, the set-up was so professional. A professional could do a reproduction???

  3. See, my facination with Florida has to with Grandpa's experiences. In tales told I only remeber that the sea shells came from there and that there were tar and featherings, (something that I thought only happened in Huck finn, Tom Sawyer? one of them.)

  4. Ann, anybody you know have wand scanner or do they not work?

  5. Steve, Laura has a digitizing system that she will bring home over Christmas and we will see what it will do.
