Thursday, November 12, 2009


For some reason google wouldn't let me add this to the first post, it was too important not to include.
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  1. P.S. We soon learned not to pester Mother with a whine about "nothing to do", because, invariably, we had to sort the clods and sticks out of the beans so that when it came time to cook a pot, the beans only needed washing. Can't believe you have both of these bags! They must be collector's items.

  2. I love Liz's term "clods". Sometimes the dirt was that big. How about a pot of beans for dinner? Sounds good. These bean sacks are a monument to our past and inspiration for our future.

  3. These are true "bean bags". No little imitation here. I can smell and feel the coarse gunny sacks just looking at them.

  4. I can vividly remember as though it were only yesterday, sitting at the table on a rainy day with the table covered with newspapers and piles of beans. And of course we "cheerfully" sorted away, never grumbling. Fond memories (?) Is that bag where Dad got the picture for the big horn sheep picture?

  5. Hi Louise! You must be feeling good. So nice to have you having your say in this stuff.

  6. As far as I can tell from the patterns that I have this probably is where the rams head design came from.
