Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Birthday To Ann!!!!!!

Last night as I was shutting down the computer, Legacy had the following message:  "Kathryn Ann Blood will be 67 years old tomorrow."   Tomorrow has come and we get to celebrate our sister's birthday.  67 seems so young!

I love this picture of Ann when she was little......up climbing and poised for what was ahead. And so her life has been.  And we have all benefited because of her tender ways, wisdom and fore sight.  ("Here's whatcha do.") What a special role she has played in our family.   Some day she is going to be rich when I return all of the letters she wrote to me in college, and she gets them published.  
May this be a happy birthday with lots and lots of years to follow with the same.  And may she know how much she is loved.


  1. hard to believe that you're two years older than I am. Oh for those good ole days walking the fences. Love you Ann.

  2. She is not! Just 1-1/2 years, for sure. Happy birthday, Ann - you are very young for your age. We quit counting years somewhere along the way, don't we? And, very well said, Judy. I call Ann for my canning, cooking, advice of any category. She can always keep me up to date! How did she get to be so wise?

  3. It's a mystery, Elizabeth! Steve is just trying to feel younger than he really is. I never did master walking the top rail of the coal bin, but we could really cover ground on the second cross board up from the ground. Judy, I am a little concerned about what is in those letters - my life was an open book.
    Thank you for the sweet wishes, the phone calls, and for only remembering (for today) the good things. I am very blessed - and high among my blessings is the amazing relationship we have with each other. The distance only gets in the way if we let it. The blog has provided an incredible means of sharing snippets of our lives without being cumbersome and the nonsense has been a source for giggles, twitting, and encouragement. This is my third birthday on the blog - it is fun to open up the blog at the end of the day and see what myths have been posted. Love you all.
