Monday, December 28, 2009

Mystery Mail

The mailman brought a wonderful surprise today, and I am not sure who the sender is. Did I order it? Is this a book Dwight said we should all read and so I obediently ordered it months ago and it has just found its way to my mailbox? Did Santa send it? Whoever sent it my way, thank you. The reading is wonderful, descriptions done masterfully, and our lives along the Stinking Water (sounds so authentic, anyone can call it the Shoshone River!) seem within reach.


  1. I didn't send This House of Sky, but you are very lucky that you have it. Ivan Doig is simply one of my most favorite writers, ever. Velna just gave me his latest, "The Eleventh Man." Besides This House of Sky, my other all-time favorites are English Creek and Dancing at the Rascal Fair. You'll feel like your living right in his stories. Absolutely wonderful.

  2. Dwight introduced me to Ivan Doig years ago (he lived in Seattle at the time), but I don't know what happened to my books????

  3. My faith in Santa Claus has been restored! What a great book.
