Monday, December 7, 2009

Very Important

I suspect all have received the notice from their JoAnn Fabric email this morning, but just in case you missed it, i.e. Dwight and Steve, they are having a senior citizen discount day on Wednesday, December 9. With the coupon you can get 15% off your total purchase all day long. However, if you read Pickles on Sunday (do a search on line to find it, if you didn't read it), there may be a little hesitation before returning to the fabric store. Please do not let that slow you down! Happy shopping.


  1. What a curmudgeonly thing to say!

  2. The principle that is not understood by the male siblings is that the fabric store is the most fascinating place to shop. And JoAnne's is full of many more things than fabric. In fact, I often see men there, waiting to get their fabric cut, finding other treasures, etc. etc., etc. And Ann, I need to get on the e-mail mailing list.

  3. JoAnne's is the largest bait and switch retailer of our times, I'm with Dwight, paint on.

  4. Ah, life is good. A little conversation about important things always brings out the best in each of us. Carry on. If you will notice, neither Judy nor Louise have chimed in. Judy is probably already at JoAnn's seeing if there is anything worth going back for, and Louise is probably busy quilting.

  5. Things I would rather do than go to a fabric store Number 1:
    Sort trash.

  6. Again, all of you read Pickles on Sunday. The creator of Pickles is at his best when he writes about visiting the fabric store! (Of course, Opal's painting is also very funny.)

  7. This has been going on since Monday? Where have I been? Actually yesterday day was very stress filled for me. The debate was whether I could justify a trip to Olympia's westside (where JoAnn's is located).
    Would Dwight and Steve like to be put on their mailing list? The last time I was getting fabric, I ran into Charley Reed in the store. Myrtle was also there, but that is beside the point. Will check on Pickels.

  8. Alas, Pickles has been stuck a few days on the problem of the remote - Opal, in a moment of total absentmindedness, put it down the garbage disposal in lieu of the old enchalada. (Anyone could make a mistake like that, right?) However, the Pickles cartoons about fabrics and fabric shopping are immortalized on my frig. By the way, I went to JoAnne's the last time we were in Logan. And the local quilt shop, and .....

  9. Another thing, do any of you besides Dwight check at the bottom of Real-time (before the map), to see who and where has visited Penrose Mornings? Some of the places are really exotic, and some of the things people are searching for sound far afield. Just for fun!

  10. Well, I have to get in on this. I'm wondering if Brian Crane's wife is a quilter. There have been some choice cartoons about quilting and of course I have saved all of them. When Cheryl had her store we would have an occassional husband with his wife, and for the most part they were patient, some not. We would have fun converstions with them. And then there were the husbands who dropped their wives off and went elsewhere, and came back to pick them up. I'll bet these same men have a blast at the hardware store. Now, that's where I would opt for watching paint dry.
    During the shop hops, Cheryl would ring a bell and say there's a man in the store, and give him a little prize. They didn't seem to mind the attention. We made it fun for them.

  11. Glad you joined the mix, Louise. Your story about men and their quilter wives in the store reminds me of more strict days in the dorms at Laramie, when a man would come on the floor to carry luggage, repair something, etc, and a monitor would have to go in front, shouting "Man on the floor". Those days are gone forever.

  12. How did we get from coupons and fabric and getting Dwight & Steve on the JoAnn mailing list to "man on the floor" of a college dorm? That was one rule that should still be in force.

  13. Mailing list? Wish I had thought of that! Great Christmas gift?

  14. So, who's volunteering to get our brothers on the mailing list? It would be a sisterly thing to do!

  15. Please remember, there are mailing lists for Rogaine,Cattle growers assc., Sears Automotive, J.Ws... anyone see the dangers of mailing lists?

  16. Okay, you can count me out on Elizabeth's request for a volunteer. (for names on the mailing list). Although, Steve, you did show an early interest when you said you would clear your calendar for the senior citizen discount day. I'm sure you were serious.

  17. Yah, STEEEEVE. Where's Dwight?

  18. Ok, this is hilarious. I don't look for a new subject, just for the latest comment. It is fun to see everyone still has a sense of humor, even with snow, very cold weather, frozen roads, and Christmas cards to make/finish/buy/wait until next year to do etc. Happy Monday! This is more fun than facebook - still can't get that one figured out, and besides this isn't nearly as public (maybe?).

  19. See what you started, Ann. Are we going for another record?

  20. Remember the Ronco Rotisserie mailing list? This could be dangerous. Look for odd things coming in the mail - actually, they couldn't be more strange than they already are. If anyone has heard of our address, they're sending their ads to us. So, besides JoAnne's mailers, what else can we find to share? And, Ann, glad to hear that you can't figure out Facebook, either. Neither can I!

  21. Facebook is a piece of cake, just ask Dwight. That's why I have so much going there. The last time somebody put me on a mailing list was when dear, sweet, innocent Ann signed me up for AARP. Come to think of it, I haven't had something from them in a long time. Maybe they heard me talking.
    Who is going to sign up Dwight and Steve? And where is Dwight today? And don't tell me that he is busy, tired, or watching TV.

  22. Dwight will sign up when my siblings all abandon their correct political principles. I am publishing a new book titled "101 Ways to Avoid Getting Browbeaten Into Going In a Fabric Store." And the second one "101 Things I would rather do than go into a fabric store." I expect them to be best sellers. Fortunately, my eternal helpmeet does not quilt. Neither does she sew. Neither does she make breakfast or lunch. Neither does she frequent fabric stores. Neither does she knit or tat and make little doilies to strew around to make the place look grandmotherly. Other than these not-so-shortcomings (except for the breakfast and lunch) she is o.k. She watches sports, listens to my rants, tolerates my mess, and comments only weekly about the cabinet door that fell off months ago and needs fixed. I am moving into phase 5(a) in meditating about getting around to looking at it, certain that it is unfixable and the door will stay off. So I am not plagued with issues here except being bugged by my sisters. Etc. Etc.

  23. "correct" is something I'm not ready to give up.

  24. Steve is standing by his guns?

  25. At least this is more upscale than some topics usually discussed by brethren when they band together which we will not go into
