Monday, February 8, 2010

From the Archives of the Powell Tribune

Dolores Bovee Bleekman sent me a copy of this clipping she found in the Tribune.
January 1,1931
Another Powell Teacher Married, According to Lovell Newspaper Item
If the Lovell Chronicle speaks the truth, and that newspaper has developed a good reputation for the dependability of its news items, then the following story clipped from its last week's front page must be true.
"Bishop H. C. Carlton spoke the necessary words that joined another young couple in matrimony on Tuesday evening, December 23. Those taking the vows were Minnie A. Wasden of Penrose and Mr. Russell Marion Blood of Cody. Mrs. Blood has been teaching school in the Powell district previous to her marriage, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wasden. Mr. Blood is a stranger in these parts. The newlyweds will go to Denver, Colorado, where they plan on making their home."


  1. What a surprise. I had no idea this even existed. Was it a surprise to everyone else? This is another treasure.

  2. So glad you are still friends after all these years with Delores. This is really a treasure! So Dad was the tall, handsome, mysterious cowboy stranger! How romantic is that?
